Well you all migth be wodnering what I mean. You might of heard about this on the news or you did this assignment in class but its an interesting topic to talk about. Ok there is a little league baseball game. Its the little league New york yankees versus the little league Red sox. The game is downed for the yankees to play offence and the Red sox's are at Bat. The coach for The yanks team has a good stradgey that will come in handy...... even though some thought it was dirty playing. Now theres a star player named Jordan on the Red Sox team. (Dont mistake my name for his
) So the Red Sox knew that if Jordan there star player and homerunner hit the ball far. They will have an upright advantage and win while the other team would lose in disgust. But the Yank's Team had declared a Time out for some planning because they would know that if Jordan gets a homerun they would lose and the trophy is gone for them but then the Yank's coach noticed that someone was up to bat after Jordan. That next batter was the Yanks chance at winning. Now even how low it is the team must do it.
Rememeber that Jordan is still up at bat.
So now this boys name is Rommney. He is a cancer survivor who had apparently met with the president from surviving this such rare condition. People said that he had basicly gone through hell already. (Sorry for the language) Anyway he had been playing with a metal
SHUNT in his brain which help keeps his brain balanced and live while he has a another supporter to keep him moving which is in his spine. The Yanks coach knew that if they could get little Rommney out they win!!!! But does it seem fair?
Too keep you informed the game right now is 2 outs for the Yanks. I can't remember what the inning is but it was the last.
So now the time out is finished and now the Yanks team was ready for what there plan has started. There first plan is to get rid of Jordan. They simply couldnt pitch her out because no matter what he had the most positive chance on getting that homerun the Red Sox needed. So then thats when the pitcher had followed the instructions as what the coach told him/her. He pitched 4 balls to Jordan and Jordan was forced to walk to first base thus the chance is now opened for the Yanks.
For those who don't know baseball when someone is getting balled out it means 4 pitches that are not aimed at the center box or are impossible to hit.
Now since the next and proboly only batter was left, Rommney walked to the plate and got ready. Now here it comes
. The pitchers plan was not to ball out Rommney but to annialate him buy striking him out. He pitched the first ball and Rommney missed. He pitches the second and missed. The final ball came and Rommney missed thus an out was there. The Yankees haad one the game and got the trophy they were looking for. The crowd booed at them and started making fun of Rommney the boy who had just survived a critical state.
Now the next day after the win the Red Sox coach came to talk to the Yanks coach. Too make it easier and shorter im gona make up 2 names. Jim for the Red sox coach and Mike for the Yanks coach cause I can't remember there names so far. So Jim said to Mike that they cheated when they alledgly balled out Jordan and went for Rommney and striked him out. But Mike said that it was cheating but "Good old baseball stratdgey" and "Good position." He also mentioned that Rommney "Isn't mentally challenged" nor is he "Playing in the special games" It could be irony but both quotes did reflect on the game. Rommney was perfectly able to hit the ball and run but it was his personal life that made it hard.
No matter how much the two debated on this game it can never be undone.
But you can't really make him walk because if they did then that leaves the Red Sox for another homerun chance and win meaning that the Yanks sacrificed there chance at winning. And it even said its not hard for the team but is a bigger impact on Rommneys life.
But heres the question after reading such long topic.
What would you of done to Rommney the boy with the shunt in his brain.
Would you of striked out that kid for your own win?
Or sacrifice your own chance at the cup and ball him out to first base?
Thanks for reading my long and epic topic. Note this really did happend in
real life and alll to most of this information is true. Posts are welcome.