I had this idea for Clan (MC) before it died. Basically, you make a pinned thread about what the clan is about.
The critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, esp. with a view to improving or reconstituting them: the philosophy of science.
A system of principles for guidance in practical affairs.
Maybe it could have Frequently Asked Questions as well.
Here is an example of something you could do:
Clan Mp) is a map-making clan with the main goal of recruiting dedicated mappers into its ranks. Because we know map-making is about the will and not about the skill, we allow newer level map-makers to advanced level map-makers. Advanced member only clans may be popular, but are often inactive. This is true within melee/UMS Playing/Mod/Map-Making Clan alike. All advanced level mappers were once new mappers, and we underastand this. We promise to get you to a higher level even if we have to help you get there. Being in map-making clan gives you a since of pride, because you can say you a part of something greater than one's self. You can recieve help on your map, share ideas with others, and meet new friends in a channel used by clan members with hobbies such as yourself.
Clan Mp) is different than other clans....
Clan Mp) is on two servers...
(The limits to this thread are endless, so add + stuff about what you deem necessary.)