to help keep Clan MP on its feet.
Its been 6 months since I last left SC after failing to finish my Halo map. And today I ended my record of not opening the SC editor...
And now its time to take a look in the ancient Starcraft maps folder and I guess make a map or something or resume previous maps i was originally working on, but heck dont count on them being done straight away, i dunno what i can remember with triggers.
Anyways, I hope I can do something around the place and boost MP up and see to it that it becomes a great clan that it once was. I know all the old members have left and stuff, and im like the one of the few oldest members left still active in SC. but ill give it a shot and see what i can do, peace.
P.S how do i change my name...
Ah, you've been in Mp) almost as long as me.