nice that u know my map
-u need a "unitpool" where u create some random units (ghost, rine or flamer/or their heros, if u buyd heroes for the bunker)
-u need the random units (a few switches and hypertriggers)(the tutorial explains it^^)
-u need a "next bunker"-location. there u move 4 units and u can check which bunker should be build and some presents if u had more of the same units
-supply exists
-> -center locbunkerposition on supply -remove supply -create bunker -move the 4 random units from "next bunker" to the bunker -some wait(0sec)(gives the units time to get inside the bunker) -move the units from locbunker to locbunker (sometimes the units have to run around another building to reach their bunker, this just helps them) -some wait(0sec) - disable bunker - move it away - move the right building there(u create that building in another location) -preserve trigger
-bunker is inside the locbunkerposition
-> -ai-script to get the units inside the bunker -preserve trigger