Report, edit, etc...Posted by Beardo on 2006-09-18 at 14:55:50
Does anyone have any idea as to whether or not they're going to be corrupt/disabled next patch? I dont want to go back and change 200 text strings in a few months
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-18 at 15:01:35
I doubt Blizzard will change the colors anytime soon in the next few patches.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xx.Doom.xX on 2006-09-18 at 16:22:39
I dont even think Blizzard will have another patch for quite a long time. I mean, when i bought sc (bout 3/4 years ago), we were just getting patch 1.13f (i think).
I doubt that Blizzard would torture map-makers more by taking their colors away...