Great thinking, Tux!
Here are some thoughts for consideration that I've had about making-over the tutorial system:
- Allow members to "request a tutorial"
- Allow comments (not questions, those are for MMA) on tutorials
- Alternatively, have a comments/questions thread dedicated to each tutorial (this is most like Tux's MMA-Tutorial integration idea)
- Allow multiple tutorials on the same topic
- Implement a ratings system for tutorials
1. Allow members to "request a tutorial"This would be a really useful tool for encouraging people to write tutorials, not just answer questions in MMA. There are some questions that are really quite specific and should be kept to MMA, but then there are lots of questions that don't quite fit Tux's description of "common" questions, but are useful to have a tutorial for (to demonstrate concepts, and just for public knowledge) - these are things that potential tutorial writers could easily overlook when deciding to write a tutorial.
An example: Allow comments on tutorialsThis has been quite effective for other tutorial systems (see examples).
This is really useful for members who know what they're talking about to make "minor edits" and additions to tutorials, whilst still having the security that none of the old tutorial is lost. It would be less daunting to add a comment to a tutorial than to actually change it, even if only making a minor addition or change - and this system is much less susceptible to things mucking up than a wiki.
Example: Have threads for tutorials
This is similar to what Tux is suggesting, I think. The tutorials can be linked to related threads, and vice versa; alternatively, the tutorials can be simply the first post of a thread with discussion following. More forum-like/forum-integrated threads are easier to ask questions in than comments pages; but then the question is whether the tutorials system works best in a forum thread setting or as a standalone article: I think standalone articles are more effective/"professional", but I really like Tux's idea of allowing users to suggest posts as the tutorials to be submitted.
Example 1:
Example 2:
3. Allow multiple tutorials on the same topicThis is really good for getting a diversity of knowledge, and allowing different people to take different approaches to the same problem. To avoid having massive tutorials all combined into one (e.g. the current randomisation tutorial), to allow more specific implementations of methods and designs, and simply to avoid the danger/fear of destroying other people's tutorials as in a wiki system, just change the tutorial keeping rules to allow more than one tutorial on any one topic. It's not like searching for a tutorial turns up too many results already.
Plus, this will work really well with a ratings/feedback system implemented as well (see below). This won't be hard to manage if you have a good system of categorizing the tutorials into more specific sections like "randomisation", "visual effects", and so on rather than simply "triggers", "design", etc.
Example: Implement a ratings system for tutorialsThis is a really good way of getting feedback on how useful or clear tutorials are, especially when combined with other forms of feedback (comments/threads). It's also really useful for users who want to get a good idea of what to expect from a tutorial, or don't have the time to look through many different tutorials. In this respect it's useful in the same way as the "difficulty" rating currently is useful.
A ratings system also serves as an incentive to write good tutorials.
Example 1: 2: