3D has banned me from forum so i couldn't post this so plz let me get the message through:
In my time of mp for the second time, i wanted to help this clan become a democratic-republic. I wanted to make sure all members were happy and at peace. But instead, i have been banned. I defended shocko in one of my earlier posts and was banned from entire clan because of it. My own friends from mp, that i thought cared for me, betrayed me today. 3d was gonna ban me but he saved himself by doing a vote. All of whom said yes:
No one opposed but gizmo defended me before 3d changed the vote around.
The first vote it was for either demote or warn for defending my friend. Almost all of them said just warn or do nothing and they defended me with words. But then when 3d changed it up to if he should be kicked out of clan or me, it was undoubtedly decided me and now i am forever banned. I do hope mp does not go into dictatorship even if i am banned. I was one of 3 co-leaders and never had power on ops or on forum. Only 3d and dada had any power. There is nothing left for me now that i know my own friends have turned on me and from this i post a screenie of one of my friend's trickry to get me back to stars. After you all see this picture, i wish to say goodbye to you all, but not 3d.
I will add other screenies of him acting as a dictator if no one believes me