OK so I was remaking some triggers for a dropship spell casting system.
I erased all of the old triggers, but kept the same locations.
I started remaking the triggers,
but when i got to the part that goes: current player brings at least 1 men to location
instead of saying the location name it just had a _
so it ended up only saying
"current player brings at least 1 men to _"
I erased it and tried again, but it kept doing it. I erased the location and tried again but it still happened. I then erased all the triggers that had that location in it, erased all the locations that were part of the dropship system, closed down the editor and opened it again, but it still happened.
what do i do?
err, what editor are you using?
Im using extra editor on special mode but i also used scmdraft.
mostly extra editor though
i think its a inter-editor string problem cause when it comes to strings, SCMD2 and SCXE don't mix. what i believe you are experiencing is string recycling. normally, every location name, unit name, etc. all have different strings. what appears to have happened is the locations' are sharing(i forget the proper term) strings with another location that has a blank string(or an otherwise invalid name).
i'm not experienced enough to say this conclusively though, so its just my hypothesis.
as for the solution, you're gonna need to talk to someone else
That seems to make sense. Do you know what i should do about it though? I dont really know about strings and stuff, because im nnot a very experienced map maker, and this is my first actual good map.
What can i do to fix it, and how will it affect the map? I cant really keep going until i fix this becuse i need to make new locations if i am going to make new triggers, so if any1 else who knows more about this could help that would be great
If you post the map I can attempt to fix it for you.
thanks a lot. the locations i was having problems with i erased, but whenever i make new ones it happens. the dropship system i wasnt actually using for spell casting, but for making items.
im have a system where players find wood and metal and stuff and they can make weapons or shields out of it, represented by things like wraiths that fly over ur head.
the dropship is supposed to be for that, where if you fulfill the conditions for knowing how to make a long sword, and have the materials(i used death counters for em) you get the make longsword unit (or other things)loaded into ur dropship.
then when you are at the blacksmith area if you unload the unit make longsword, a long sword pops out
Its not your map im sure, because this happened to me once too, i think it was on SCXE, but i forget how i fixed it, i think i switched to Starforge, do you have that editor? if so try it, man i wish i remember what i did when it happened to me......
try deleting some unused strings in SCMdraft maybe that'll help
Same thing happened to me. Dont look@/edit locations in SCMDraft.
Don't open/look at strings in SCMD2. period. when using multiple editors.
ok so how do i delete unused strings? the truth is i have no idea what strings are.
please tell me how to fix it or what to do or if nothing can be done and i have to start over tell me so i can get started
oh and that guy who said who would fix it i posted the map on my last reply
thats kenoli, he's really quite uber. just wait for him to get back.
anyhow, a string is a line of characters. a character is essentially anything you can create with your keyboard. whether it be a number or a letter or a special character, such as ' - ' or ' & .' now, strings are lines of characters that you can change. such as unit names, location names, 'display text' text and anything text you create or modify.
ok cool. sorry i was so impatient its jsut that this is by far times a thousandthe best map i have ever made, no exagg
i had an operation last thursday so i cant do anythnig fun i have to stay inside so this was what i did most of the time other than sleep, so in this past week i got a lot better at making maps
I think I've fixed the problem.
Stick with one editor. Switching between editors tends to cause problems. I recommend using Scmdraft2.
Thanks a lot
but, i opened the link and it just shows a bunch of symbols and i dont know how to turn that back into my map. how do i?
plus, id rather stick to xtra editor im not pro enoguh to use purely scmdraft2
thanks again, you smart cool guy
Instead of clicking on the link, right-click on it and select "Save Target As..."
A save dialog will open, it will probably want to save it as "ClassMasters_RPGv[1].Beta.htm", just replace the htm with scx and save it.
Ok thanks for trying but it is more messed up than before, and now almost all the names of things comments for triggers text messages, and stuff are mixed around.
so do you think i should just erase everything and start over, hoping that i have a better idea of what i want to do, so i will redo everything quick and better?
or if i just leave some locations to look like blanks?
will it still function if the locations are blanks? or will it just look different when u open up the trigger, but stay the same in game?
unless somebody thinks of a really good reason, i'm just gonna start fresh.
but i was thinking, i want this to go smoothly this time, and i have a lot of ideas in my head right now.
I was thinking that maybe i should plan this out more on paper.
Being me, I haven't made any real maps yet, so i dont know what people do when they 'plan things out on paper'
how should i plan this so when i start doing it everything goes smoothly from start to end and it ends up good?
like when i made maps before i would just make the names of the first few units, make some crappy terrain, and plop some units and triggers out then get new ideas and do that again.
But now i have everything in my head i dont know where to start.
ya, i would recommend starting fresh again. as far as i know as long you don't don't enter a menu where you can change a string in SCMD2, it should be fine to switch between editors.
eg you can make/use a location, but don't double-click it and open the info box. cause then you'd be in a string-modifying menu.
as for writing ideas down. if the map is big, i highly recommend it. when i say big, i mean relatively speaking, for you. just make sure to keep it organized and neat. i personally have 4-5 different text files where i keep ideas and triggering methods for my D3 map. in addition to not having to keep it in your head, it serves as a list of what to put into your production thread and also a completion checklist for your map.
You could always try downloading OSMap and try to open and save the map with it... OSMap is a map unprotector... but it is thought that it just completely remakes the same map from scratch. You would have to rename all of the locations... and you would have to recomment everything and rename your switches, but if you have the screwed up copy of the map, you could put the 2 maps side by side in different editors or something... and then easily rename all of the stuff... but this is only a suggestion to try... i'm not 100% possitive/sure that it would actually work.