Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Clan Mp) -> -[Clan Mp) Ranking System East Server]-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-09-23 at 00:10:02
Clan Mp) Ladder Ranks
By: xMCx
Special Thanks: UBCS, Ideas from (MC)

Objective: To award and give credit to the members who help Mp) stay alive by giving a fair rank to active members. 

Note: Inactive members will be removed by the leadership's discretion.  In the order of first to last is how high a rank is with Officers and above.  Below the Officers, members are listed in order of join date. Rejoins bump you to the bottom of the ladder rank if you were in a class before. (For Convenience)

Duties: To give aid and service to the clan.  To make all choices regarding the clan and to take all responsibility of the welfare of the clan.
Abilities: May promote/demote/recruit all members of any rank.  Can do whatever they want.
Prerequisites: Choosen by leaders or by 75%+ support of clan.

Intern Leader
Duties: Serves as leader for a three month period, regardless of when he joins.
Abilities: May promote/demote all members of any rank below Intern Leader. Channel Access may be given upon the leaders trust/discretion.  Can do whatever he wants as long as the leaders see it serves the best interests of the clan.
Prerequisites: The first Intern Leader is chosen by the leadership, but from then on the Intern Leader selects his own heir.  No matter when the date that he is choosen, he is to serve that month and two additional months as a term.  (Ex: September 29 -->End of November)  He may not serve consecutive terms, but may serve as many 3-month terms as choosen.  Ideally, he will be chosen at the first of the month.

Senior Officer(s)
Duties: These members are the most trusted of the clan who work hard to keep Mp) prospering. They are the most respected of the officers.
Abilities:  Channel Access may be given upon the leaders trust/discretion. They may recruit if they do so properly.
Prerequisites: These are choosen by the leaders and are members who are respected by the leaders and good friends.

Duties: Serve the clan in any way they can.
Abilities: Channel Access may be given upon the leaders trust/discretion. They may recruit if they do so properly.
Prerequisites: Choosen by the leadership.  Ideally have a high amount of points.

Prerequisites: This rank is given out to the quarter of the clan with the most amount of points.
Duties: Notify Officers and above of people asking to be recruited.
Prequisites: This rank is given out to the quarter of the clan with the 2nd most amount of points.
Duties: Notify Officers and above of people asking to be recruited.
Prequisites: This rank is given out to the quarter of the clan with the 3rd most amount of points.
Duties: Notify Officers and above of people asking to be recruited.
Prequisites: This rank is given out to the quarter of the clan with the least amount of points.
Duties: Notify Officers and above of people asking to be recruited.

Point System
UMS Maps Made= 1-10 points judging by quality
SEN Wiki Tutorials=1-3 points judging by quality
Clan (U) Wiki Tutorials=1-3 points judging by quality
SEN Tutorials Hosted In Database=1-3 points judging by quality
SEN Hosted Reviews=1-2 points judging by quality
Recruit Points=1 point if worthy canidate.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-10 at 18:33:23

We need to redo this? want me to write a new one or do you want to. Or just edit this one and get rid of xMCx and UBCS. Getting some rules and ladder rank steps is a good start for picking this clan again!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-10 at 20:47:19
Yes, about time this was cleaned closedeyes.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-10 at 20:52:46
Blu, you could have cleaned it! One of us three need to redo this, who wants to volunteer?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-10 at 20:59:15
confused.gif I could clean it? I didn't know that! w00t.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-10 at 21:29:49
You have moderation privledges of the Mp forum. You can pin topics, delete them and close them and all that good stuff! You, me and Mini can!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-10 at 21:36:22
I thought I was just leader of the server. I didn't know about this stuff. The time I've wasted pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-10 at 21:39:51
Haha, you are leader of the server with Me and Devlin is the co-leader of our server, Minigame is the secksy GOD of all 3 servers!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-10 at 21:41:10
There's a third server? Did he put a channel in Europe now?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-10 at 21:45:35
I am not 100% sure but I we are trying to get Europe going on Mp, we need some recruits from there. This is why I asked for you to go on europe and get some recruiters, but it isnt number 1 on our To do list!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-10 at 21:56:48
Europe is more difficult to recruit from. I felt bad when I went a day w/o a recruit from Europe cry.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-10-11 at 01:30:38
well... techniqually i would make a channel if my friend would let me borrow his warcraft 3 disk.

oh and redo the whole thing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-11 at 03:43:47
okay, I will try and have a new system in a couple days.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-13 at 09:46:30
Mp)7-7 are you going to keep the point system, or make a new one?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-13 at 11:33:54
I think I am going to make a completely new system of everything, but I will use this as a source to see stuff, I will have it done by this weekend.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gamma on 2006-10-18 at 15:18:13
Then plz don't delete my old thread, unpin it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-18 at 18:52:28
ok, I havent gotten to it yet becaue SEN was down. It will take a little longer!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-26 at 11:03:24
GL with the ranking system. Will you change some of the clan rules as well..or add anything? maybe like the maps created in certain amount of time, or a recruiting limit?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-26 at 12:55:58
I havent started, I am busy right now, maybe you could make it. Post some ideas on what you think it should look like or just make it and ill look it over and we both wil add or get rid of the things we like or dont like!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-31 at 11:09:05
This is the only place I saw fit for this:
I really want this clan to return to its former glory,
this is a quote from Mp)Neozuki. biggrin.gif It's nice to see that we have real dedicated ppl in this clan. And the only rules that i want to add to the current ones is : to make a map in 1-2 months, preferably 2. I'll add others when i can think of them happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-31 at 11:17:53
how about 2-3, this way no one feels rushed. Because the map contest and such!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Blu on 2006-10-31 at 11:22:31
blink.gif Didn't think of that. You've got a point though. 2-3 months it is tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-31 at 11:24:29
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