Is there anyway using on vHP and non % by level hp level up? I am using only 1 player for this so go ahead fire away. I can use percents if i add burrowed zlings per level and not use them for vHP maybe? But then how would i detect when the item is changed and re-change the hp to that percent again? Just please try and think of somthing.
for the love of god. make sense. the only part of that 'paragraph' i understood was vhp.
You can somewhat detect a loss in the unit's hp by moving the unit to an area and spawning a unit with a slow cooldown to attack it, such as a burrowed lurker, and apply that to vHP. As for the increase in HP, that's harder to do, and the closest non-percentage method is to use a medic's heal or SCV's repair and detect mineral/gas loss.
i'm thinking i understand what you're trying to say.
its sounds like you think the zergling is the only VHP you can use. i dunno why you'd think that, but its wrong anyways.
i'll wait for you to respond before posting any more info.
No, im not even using vhp. I just want a way to upgrade life per level not using vHp (full blown) or using % the hard way, because my units are constantly switching for the hero.
unit switching is irrelevant when it comes to VHP. well, as long as they never turn into air units.
for your question, it depends if medpacks heal only a certain amount, or all of your life. the former is very difficult(or impossible - not considering VHP), while the latter is exceptionally easy
if you're trying to make medpacks, you could simply do what someone else said, use a medic next to the unit for a set amount of time.
not if he's using a fraction of total hp per level system. what if your level limit was 200. you get down to 180. then you use a 25 HP medpack. you end up with 205 hp, AKA over your limit.
You can only heal 25 HP medpack with VHP so going over the limit would not be a problem because you can easily tell when someone is over their max