$loginCheck = "SELECT * FROM userinformation WHERE Account = " . $_POST['logUser'] . " AND Password = " . $_POST['logPass'];
$loginCheckFinish = @mysql_query($loginCheck, $loginConnect);
That should produce an error because you are not writting the query right.
Non-digit strings in the query need to be enclosed with ' ' 's to be valid.
SELECT * FROM userinformation WHERE account='Centreri' AND password='thisismypassword' is what you want your final result to be:
$loginCheck = "SELECT * FROM userinformation WHERE Account = '" . $_POST['logUser'] . "' AND Password = '" . $_POST['logPass'] . "'";
And... one thing that isn't mentioned too much is writting variables in strings in a different but easier format. Matter of opinion, I'm sure, but constantly breaking strings and using concats and crap just gets annoying for me.
$loginCheck = "SELECT * FROM userinformation WHERE Account ='{$_POST['logUser']}' AND Password='{$_POST['logPass']}'";
So... enclose variables with { and } instead of " . and . "
It'll make your life easier
Oh and...
Nope, that stopped the redirection, probably to make sure that the user gets the error message when the query wasn't able to be performed.
The query wasn't able to be performed... sounds like you knew most of your problem
. As far as the errors not showing, I need to see more code. mainpage.php and login.php(?).
And PS: Another such tip is this:
$loginErrorMessage = $loginErrorMessage . "Your login username field is not filled in. ";
$loginErrorMessage .= "Your login username field is not filled in. ";