Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Building Death Without Death
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-25 at 16:08:44
Ok Im trying to make a map where you need to build certain buildings from other races to build a building from your race (if you can understand my logic)

For Instance: Command Center Required for Hatchery.

You dont have a Command Center and You build a Hatchery-->Kill Hatchery

You Have a Command Center and you build a Hatchery-->Allow Construction

You Have a Command Center and you build a Hatchery but the enemy kills the Command Center-->Dont Kill Hatchery

But i cant figure out how to do that... helpsmilie.gif confused.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-09-25 at 17:02:22
You'd need to do something like:

You have a Command Center --> Don't kill Hatcheries from this point on.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-25 at 17:43:22
any idea how to do that in a classic trigger form?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsaT on 2006-09-25 at 17:50:40

Current player bring exactly 0 command center to anywhere

Kill all hatchery owned by current player at anywhere
preserve Trigger
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-09-25 at 18:05:53
Current Player brings at least 1 CC to Anywhere
Set Switch 1

Switch 1 is Cleared
Kill all Hatchery for current Player
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsaT on 2006-09-25 at 18:10:43
How your stating it, if a CC is killed or removed you will still be able to make hatcheries.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-25 at 18:26:41
The method for doing this is similar to preventing the cheat "modify the phase variance."

In order for this to work perfectly, you would need a death counter to keep track of the number of hatcheries and a switch to determine if hatcheries should or shouldn't be built.

Command Center Detection a
¤ Current player commands at least 1 Command Center.
¤ Switch 1 is cleared.
¤ Preserve trigger.
¤ Set switch 1.

Command Center Detection b
¤ Current player commands at most 0 Command Center.
¤ Switch 1 is set.
¤ Preserve trigger.
¤ Clear switch 1.

Hatchery DC Increase*
(Multiple Triggers Required)
¤ Current player commands at least 1 Hatchery.
¤ Current Player has suffered exactly 0 deaths of DC.
¤ Switch 1 is set.
¤ Preserve trigger.
¤ Set deaths of DC to 1.

Hatchery DC Decrease*
(Multiple Triggers Required)
¤ Current player commands at most 1 Hatchery.
¤ Current Player has suffered at least 2 deaths of DC.
¤ Preserve trigger.
¤ Set deaths of DC to 1.

Hatchery Destruction *
(Multiple Triggers Required)
¤ Current player commands exactly 2 Hatchery.
¤ Current Player has suffered exactly 1 deaths of DC.
¤ Switch 1 is cleared.
¤ Preserve trigger.
¤ Kill 2 hatcheries at location anywhere for current player.

*Requires multiple triggers and change to the DC and hatchery variables.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-09-25 at 19:22:31
QUOTE(IsaT @ Sep 25 2006, 06:10 PM)
How your stating it, if a CC is killed or removed you will still be able to make hatcheries.

I was just putting what Kenoli said in trigger form.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Shattered_moose on 2006-09-25 at 22:30:01
Ok, if you want to only allow them to make hatcheries when they have a CC, you need to somehow "mark" hatcheries built while a CC is present, so that when the CC is gone, they don't get hit by the destroy trigger.
The easiest way to do this would be to have a trigger which checks for a command center, then sets a death count/switch. Then have a trigger which, if the switch is set (cc is built), replaces all hatcheries with lairs, or puts a burrowed unit under them, or something similar.
Attached is a concept map for this.
Replacing with lairs is the quick and dirty way to do it, if its a problem to do it this way, you can instead move a burrowed unit under the structure, owned by a computer player, and have a location constantly sweeping for hatcheries without a unit under them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-09-25 at 23:32:02
Yeah, I think the burrowed unit + cycling is the best way to do it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2006-09-26 at 13:02:16
The biggest problem of cycling is that when you check for the hatcheries that have to be destroyed all the hatcheries will deselect for the players.

An alternative wich also has some problems would be playing with the resource requiriments. For exemple:

- Set the hatchery gas cost to 1
- Set the rest of buildings gas cost to 0
- When there is a CC built constantly set gas to 1 for the player by triggers, when there's no CC reset it to 0.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-26 at 15:16:35
Well.. its not only the Hatchery i wanna have that happen.. imagine it as liek a fourth race.. Without the CC u cant build a Hatch or a Nexus and a few other buidlings.. But without the Nexus you cant build a Photon etc.

and can u put the concepts youve given me in Trigger form like Urmom? it would help alot more for me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2006-09-26 at 19:56:49
simple... like this.

building hatchery
¤ player
¤ Switch CC is set
¤ player commands at least 1 hatchery
¤ kill all hatchery's for player at anywhere.
¤ preserve trigger

thats for when you dont have a command center

no command center
¤ player
¤ player commands exactly 0 command centers
¤ set switch CC
¤ preserve trigger

thats to set the switch when you dont have 1, or loose it

command center
¤ player
¤ player commands at least 1 command center
¤ clear switch CC
¤ preserve trigger

and thats to allow them to build the command center... another way to do this is to make a mod that makes the command center required to build the hatchery, but then everyone who plays your map will need SCMLoader.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-26 at 19:58:58
thats actually what ive used but when I kill the CC the hatchery dies and So do all the other buildings that require the hatchery to be built... So its like dominoes
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2006-09-26 at 20:04:30
Well... I'd say to add in there, that when the player looses his Command center to give all hatcheies to player 12 or some neutral player and when he gets it back, give them back to the player, but that kinda defeats the purpose. I guess it will just have to be that way. unless you want to make it so ppl have to have SCMLoader to player your map. if so, just PM me a list of buildings that require what and i can do the mod for you.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-26 at 20:21:01
well i dont want that mod part.. heck i dont even get the whole modding thing.. I cant even get starforge to wrk ranting.gif so ur saying that its not possible? Cuz this is the list of buildings require what





Engineering:Barracks & Hatchery




Factory:Barracks, Hatchery, Cybernetics Core


Refinery: N/A

Science Facility: Hatchery, Evolution Chamber

Starport: Hatchery

Supply Depot: N/A

And thats just terran... ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The_Shattered_moose on 2006-09-26 at 21:32:29
Marking and cycling with that many units is going to be a female dog, plain and simple.
If you really wanna get into a complex trigger system, with burrowed units hiding under buildings to mark them, and such, you can do something to that effect, but its going to take a good number of moderatly advanced triggers, and some clever thinking.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-26 at 22:09:32
You could always use gas. Make hatchery cost x mins + 1 gas, and always set to 1 gas if you have a CC and 0 if you don't. Only works if it's a linear tech tree and you have a mineral type to spare, but it sure does work well.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2006-09-27 at 07:40:30
ok so this is a tree i made for the terran.
user posted image
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-27 at 12:44:29
Marking and cycling with that many units is going to be a female dog, plain and simple.
If you really wanna get into a complex trigger system, with burrowed units hiding under buildings to mark them, and such, you can do something to that effect, but its going to take a good number of moderatly advanced triggers, and some clever thinking.

Im not a very advanced Map maker ( i thought iwas til i came to staredit sad.gif ) so i dont think ill be able to do the burrowing thing uless i see a trigger form tutorial.

You could always use gas. Make hatchery cost x mins + 1 gas, and always set to 1 gas if you have a CC and 0 if you don't. Only works if it's a linear tech tree and you have a mineral type to spare, but it sure does work well.

I wont be able to do that because im making gas (Iron) a requirment for buildings)

ok so this is a tree i made for the terran.

Thx thats exatly what TERRAN looks like but not the whole thing.. thers still Zer gand Protoss to go through I can list it if u want but itll be long... And plus did u make that tech tree for a mod or just to show other people what im talking about?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2006-09-27 at 19:30:36
for no reason, just needed somthing to do...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-27 at 19:48:03
lol btw what did you use to make that tree? maybe i can use it to make a full tech tree to show in "maps in production" or somthin.

but back on subject does anyone have any more ideas? if not im gonna try that burrowing technique
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Clokr_ on 2006-09-28 at 10:15:40
The burrowing technique would go this way:

Trigger 1: Each X time give all the hatcheries from P1 to P12 (or another unused player)
Trigger 2: While P12 has hatcheries center location on hatchery of P12
Trigger 3: If P12 brings a hatchery to location and brings 0 zerglings and player cannot build hatcheries (no CC found) destroy the hatchery.
Trigger 4: If P12 brings a hatchery to location and brings 0 zerglings and player can build hatcheries (CC found) create a burrowed zergling for P12 away and move it to location. Give 1 hatchery at location from P12 to P1.
Trigger 5: If P12 brings a hatchery to location and brings atleast 1 zergling give 1 hatchery at location from P12 to P1.

That should be repeated for each player, but not at the same time, because you wouldn't know to who you have to give the hatchery.
Be careful setting the X time parameter: if it is too long players will be able to operate with hatcheries even without CC. If it is too short players will not be able to select hatcheries.
Any other burrowable unit can be used instead of zerglings.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lord-Omega on 2006-09-28 at 10:36:03
QUOTE(Storm_Templar @ Sep 27 2006, 06:47 PM)
lol btw what did you use to make that tree? maybe i can use it to make a full tech tree to show in "maps in production" or somthin.

but back on subject does anyone have any more ideas? if not im gonna try that burrowing technique

i used SCMDraft for the pics, you know the take a pic of the map. then i just used paint to put them in order. then uploaded it onto my photobucket and posted it here. i can make the mod for you, just send me a list of the tech in a PM.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Storm_Templar on 2006-09-28 at 16:04:36
Thx clokr thatll work nicely. Lord omega ill get you that tech tree just so me and my LAN network can play it or somthin it would be ver cool for a second version map or somthin.
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