Ok... Ive decided to ask this question to the clan... Mp) IS About map making, Right?
Im thinking that im the one who really cares for West Server and is Making maps progresively with out going inavtive. my point is that im getting knowhere, all thse incidents about overthrowing and destroying mp is like just killing the clan itself and i DONT WANT THE CLAN TO DIE! Im also confused wth how many members and who are the members in this clan. Im not trying to offend anyone or flame anyone. I just confused and looking at the state of the clan. All cahnnels Empty with dead bots. Im brining friends to the west channel and they dont see any activeness in the clan. So im more like worried of the clan. Im also willing to do anything to keep the clan alive and to keep the clan Back into MAP MAKING. Thanks.
All we can do is recruit and hope they will keep it alive. Once we get SOME activity, then we can perhaps continue our form of democracy for the future of mp. If we fail at that, we doomed.
Thank you for your concern Legend, I care too. I am doing my best not to be inactive and trying to go as fast as I can with map making (without rushing myself). But Map making can't be forced, If you push someone, he is going to rush it and it's going to turn out crappy, Let them make at their own pace.
all we can do is wait patiently and try our best to do activiness (in channel for you concern)
u should be able to keep alive its ez XD.
Just continue doing your part as a member, and make some maps. Doing this will help the clan if everyone does there part.
Ok. Il try my best to keep the clan alive.