ok i cant figure this out, its probly realy simple but i cant get it...
how do i get like say 3 diferent leader boards to alternate. when i tried it, it just went straight to last leaderboard i put in and thats only 1 it showed.
Insert a wait action between the displaying of the 3 leaderboards to make it cycle and then preserve trigger.
Insert a wait action between the displaying of the 3 leaderboards to make it cycle and then preserve trigger.
Rather than using waits, use a death counter timer to prevent wait blocks.Waits work if they're the only waits running, of course.
Most likely you'll want to run a counter, though, so you can run other waits.
Well normally I have it so that it constantly adds a death to a counter. If the deaths are in a certain range, it displays the first leaderboard, it if in a second range it displays another leaderboard, etc. I thought that the waits would be easier for him to understand though.
If you are curious, this is what it is in trigger form:
add 1 death for unit
curren player has suffered at least 1 death of unit
current player has suffered at most 36 deaths of unit
display leaderboard 1
curren player has suffered at least 37 death of unit
current player has suffered at most 72 deaths of unit
display leaderboard 2
Current player has suffered at least 72 deaths of unit
set deaths to 0