Meh i think i already know the problem but i thought, why not ask the experts.
anyway i was working with StarForge because this big idea just popped in my head, so i'm making some triggers for a prototype map test. when i'm making a transmission trigger, i forgot to upload my null wav file, so i put a "NoAction" action in the actions place. After i get my null wav opened i go back to make my trigger.
Now this is where it got confusing, i made my trigger and then i saved it, there weren't any errors. Then i go back into that same trigger and all the actions are gone again!!! So i get out of the trigger and i delete it, then i construct a completely new one. once i save it i look back to check and the trigger wasn't even there. And whenever i go back and i make a new trigger it's not there anymore. BTW: i'm in the player 1 slot. Does anyone know the cause of this??
Be sure to put a ; at the end of each line.
Be sure to put a ; at the end of each line.
I always do that, and even if i didn't they usually give an error for it
and anyway do you guys know the answer to my problem or not?
Does this only do this in starforge for transmissions? I believe one time I opened up a map for someone else in starforge and it messed up their transmissions, so it is possible that starforge just can't handle transmissions. SF has its issues, lol.
If it does this for all your triggers in SF, then you're probably not doing something right, or your copy of SF is extra outdated or messed up or something. Just transmissions, though, it could just be SF that's messing up, especially if you're making sure that you have everything in the right format.
Does your trigger belong to a player (one of the "Players" boxes must be checked)?
This is a common mistake for those new to Starforge.