When making a map with ScmDraft2 which is easyer for you, a map with comments or a map without comments?
I thought about this when I wanted to remove comments from a map of mines.
Comments gives triggers description, making them much easier to organize. In classic trigedit, it also significantly lowers the vertical length of triggers. "Blank Comments" don't take up strings, making them extremely useful when making copies of triggers with essentially the same purpose grouped together (such as hyper triggers). Finally, when you're done with the map triggers, you can mass delete comments, since their purposes have been served (This also makes it harder for other people to understand your map, making it harder to edit/steal).
Comments > No Comments
Comments can be very useful for Organizing triggers in order so much more clear for you and wont have go searching for a trigger that uncommented, but commented triggers add to your string limit. So really doesnt matter if ya do or dont whatever suits the user.
[EDIT]; Topic Title Edited
I comment every one of my triggers now. It helps a lot.
ya, comments help a ton. they're most effective with classic trigeditors(simply for the size reduction), but they still help out quite a bit in trigedit.
I don't use comments in SCMDraft 2. If I plan on opening the map in another editor, I do use blank comments. Nowadays I rarely comment unless it's an important trigger or note... I tend to know where everything is and what everything does in my maps.
I use comments if i need to remind my self of something, other then that they are useless for me in SCMDraft. I organize my triggers in certain areas so that I can find them easily.
Why does nobody except for me comment their triggers in SCM Draft? Why is it easier to read uncommented triggers in SCM Draft?
The reason no one comments is because everyone here makes crappy maps with few triggers. If you have 3000 triggers comments become pretty damn important.
QUOTE(Urmom(U) @ Oct 6 2006, 01:45 PM)
I comment every one of my triggers now. It helps a lot.
Comments in Trigedit are less noticable than in Classic Trigedit, and also robs unnecessary amounts of virtual memory of ancient operating systems and computers with poor processors when very large numbers of triggers that all have comments in them are copied to notepad and back.
Personally, I only use Trigedit for finding triggers, editing strings, and debugging, while everything else is done in Classic Trigedit.Yea that's what I do. I don't know the Trigedit syntax so I just use it for copying and pasting and mass editing.
I comment every single trigger. I usually remake or edit certain triggers multiple times so comments help a lot.
I comment everything. With a few hundred triggers, it really does help for organization. But then again, I don't use SCM Draft because of the whole Mac thing. I've never even used SCM Draft for triggers. Does TrigEdit allow you to organize triggers in some new way that doesn't require comments? Otherwise I can't imagine making a map without them.
Does TrigEdit allow you to organize triggers in some new way that doesn't require comments?
You can copy+cut the triggers unlike in other trigger editors, though comments (or disabled display text actions using recycled strings) are still useful for finding triggers with the "Find" feature (though not vital). Also, Never triggers are FAR more useful in setting "bookmarks" (again, the "Find" feature), which makes comments less useful en mass in Trigedit.Copy... and... paste... triggers...
Oh my god, no wonder Devilesk told me I would be done with Monopoly a year ago if I had been using Trigedit. Even StarForge's trigger editor would have beenamazing for what I needed.
The "find" feature would be my best friend. Silly laziness.
QUOTE(DevliN @ Oct 7 2006, 06:55 AM)
The "find" feature would be my best friend. Silly laziness.
silly laziness? more like silly mac user...
I have a strict order in every thing I do for a map, so I comment every inch of everything. (I even have a notes section in every map for commenting on things I can't comment on immediately.)
QUOTE(Zeratul_101 @ Oct 7 2006, 09:24 AM)
silly laziness? more like silly mac user...
I actually meant "silly laziness" in the sense that I constantly make triggers, comment them, and then feel too lazy to look at each comment and attempt to remember where things are (after leaving my map alone for a month or two >_<).
And being a Mac ser isn't holding me back. I frequently commandeer my friend's PC to do terrain. I'm fine with StarEdit's trigger editor otherwise.
When you become a power user then you find normal Staredit's triggers way slower. But the ability to copy and paste all of your triggers into Notepad and use Find and Replace is one of the most useful things about it. I copied and pasted 350 triggers for my map in <1 minute and that wouldve taken me 10 minutes at least in Staredit.
The ability to stretch the trigger box is also very useful, this is how I comment my triggers and look at them.
compared to
For me it depends on the map, for maps with many different triggers, all doing their own seperate functions, I don't comment, because I can tell the purpose of it by looking for 1/10th of a second.
For maps with many triggers all working together and requiring each other to work, I do use comments. But they tend to screw up in SCMDraft.
You know, there are no all-powerful map editors that I can think of...
Starforge is too glitchy, as with SCMDraft. SXE doesn't have very much power, and Staredit is even less.
Is there even an all-powerful trigger editor?
QUOTE(DevliN @ Oct 7 2006, 03:15 PM)
I actually meant "silly laziness" in the sense that I constantly make triggers, comment them, and then feel too lazy to look at each comment and attempt to remember where things are (after leaving my map alone for a month or two >_<).
And being a Mac ser isn't holding me back. I frequently commandeer my friend's PC to do terrain. I'm fine with StarEdit's trigger editor otherwise.
lol, devlin, you take me way too seriously.
No way! Liar!!!
To be honest, though, I figured the smilies would show that I wasn't takin' ya too seriously. But I failed, I suppose. Oh well.
I wish I could copy/paste that many triggers... (thinks about how soon Monopoly would be completed if that were the case).
SORRRRRRY! I double clicked accidentally. SEN was being slow.
No Moose Smash, plz.
*DevliN cowers in fear*
Is there even an all-powerful trigger editor?
I comment every trigger in my map. How it helps me:
Triggers look more aesthetic.
You can understand the triggers much faster.