Colonialism - Amérique is a map based on the world in the 1700s. It will have the war/peace/alliance triggers, as well as hostile indian land with AI in the Americas.. It will be a split map. Top part will be Europe while the bottom is the territories known today as Canada, the United States, and half of Mexico. While some of the countries don't have much territory in the new world (I.E. Russia) it is also an advantage because most players will be occupied with the Americas. This way you can expand in Europe and open european fronts. While I said the AI in the Americas is hostile, the land in Europe is friendly unless you bring an army into the land. Then it will have said you declared war on the country and the hostile computer takes over the country and begins developing an army.
Tribute system, and a neverbefore seen territorial sell system.
I'm having a bit trouble with the terrain so if anyone cares to volunteer for the job, i'd gladly take you in if good enough.
Note that the bottom is not the final decision and can be changed. If you find a historical error with the units or have a suggestion to add please say so.
Playable Nations:
E N G L A N D Territories: All of the east coast from Newfoundland to Florida.
Special Units:
British Redcoat
Man of War
F R A N C E Territories: Present-day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota west of the Mississippi River, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, northern Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains, the portions of southern Manitoba, southern Saskatchewan and southern Alberta that drain into the Missouri River, and Louisiana on both sides of the Mississippi River including the city of New Orleans.
Special Units:
Imperial Guard
S P A I N Territories: Present day Mexico, Texas, California, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico, and Florida.
Special Units:
Spanish Tercio
Coin Galleon
R U S S I A Territories: Present Day Alaska, Northwest Shores of presentday USA.
Special Units:
Russian Strelet
Russian Cossack
D E N M A R K Territories: Greenland (if implemented into game), Iceland, Norway
Special Units:
Royal Life Guard
O T T O M A N E M P I R E Special Units:
K I N G D O M O F P R U S S I A Special Units: