Is there a way to make unit lose hp?
Not setting it with %...
If a unit has 15 hp when it goes in a location it lose 10 hp
If a unit has 15000 hp when it goes in a location it lose 10 hp
Is there a way to do it? How??
Not directly, but you could place a cloaked wraith above it for a tenth of a second.
If your map doesn't suit using virtual HP (very likely), then I'd also recommend creating an enemy unit to attack it real fast. All you can do is set percentage.
A dark templar would be less visable than a wraith, although they would have a betetr chance of getting away
and you'd have to factor in the unit's armor type and such if u want a certain amount of dmg done...
you'd have to factor in the unit's armor type and such if u want a certain amount of dmg done...
You could give the unit to a computer/neutral player that doesn't have upgrades for the attack.