okay i had an idea of installing starforge on my flash drive so (im not home much) so i could put my current map on it and work on it on any computer without putting any sc stuf on each comp. When i try to do this, starforge and scm both say something like "failed to find stardat.mpq file" how do i get rid of this? or is my idea not going to work.
Put Stardat.MPQ on said Flashdrive if it will fit
Starforge loads some stuff off stardat so you need Starcraft installed to use it
StarCraft needs to be installed on the flash drvie aswell. In the proper location.
QUOTE(Syphon(MM) @ Oct 9 2006, 07:50 PM)
StarCraft needs to be installed on the flash drvie aswell. In the proper location.
so i cant just copy the mpq file?
You could try. I just installed sc + editors on my ipod and carry around the cable.
There has to be the Starforge folder, then in the same directory the SC folder complete with Stardat.mpq.
And Broodat.MPQ, and Patch_RT.MPQ.
so on a 512 meg falsh drive, i have installed starforge, stardat.mpq and now that isnt as problem but now i have to do some crap with starforge plug ins.
You need to get all the required DLL and OCX files to a .../windows/system32 directory in your flash drive.
no i got the stardat.mpq, brooddat.mpq and the patch.mpq or w/e and it works fine, a little bit slow but i think this PROBLEM IS SOLVED!