I'm planing to have a long time web hosting. I need to decide which of all those offers should I pay to.
I don't need anything huge but I don't want to feel too limited either. Anything over 8$ per months is not for me because I'm not desperate for web hosting, but I would like to have one. And I sure want a maximum possible uptime.
So here are some web hosters that I have noticed.
AIT, a trustable long known web hosting service.
Space - 2Gb
Bandwidth - 60Gb
Prologic, I like this one but IP says they are overselling. But I think it would fit my needs.
$4.95/month with a 2 year plan
Space - 50Gb
Bandwidth - 750Gb
Dreamhost, well if IP says prologic is overselling then this a joke.
$7.95/month with a 2 year plan
Space - 200Gb
Bandwidth - 2Tb (Can a website actually use so much in a month?)
http://www.dreamhost.com/hosting.html Please share your favorites and comment the ones already listed. I need to make sure what I'm buying, you know.
Id pick the Prologic one or the AIT one
Try not to get a 2 year plan... pre-paying for 2 years just sets yourself up to be screwed... unless you know the company is definitely honest enough to refund whatever months you have left if they totally suck ass.
Well yea, I just got that I can't affort to pay for a 2 year plan just like that.
Look at how much space/bandwidth you need. Do you need 200gb space? Or will 1 or 2 suffice? Can you afford the plan? Are you certain your site will be up the whole {insert plan duration, in this case mostly 2 years}?
Wait, if you can't afford to pay the two year plan, how could you afford the first option? They're both 7.95 a month, unless you dont plan on usin the full two years.
I mean I can't pay 8x24=192$ all at once.
Oh, I thought they forced you to pay 7.95 for two years.
BTW, it's actually $181
No, it's 192 : /. 8 x 24 = 200 - 8 = 192.
Thanks IP.
Come on people, I know many of you use web hosters. Please share your personal experience.
Stay away from them...?
Just from my experience.
You still haven't said how much web space you need, how much bandwidth you need or anything else that you need.
you can also try
if you tell me what your looking for, I can give you a qote from me.
If its below like 500mb of web space and like 5gb of bandwith, just try to get free webhosting. Its much cheaper for you and so you can experince it yourself before you get a paid one.
I don't know how much space bandwight I will need but I don't want to wake up one morning and find out that I require more.
I've planned to host pictures, music and other files there so...
If you might not need it, don't go for 'terabytes of memory lolz'. Start small, you can always upgrade your plan later.
Ok, let's try again.
Silver, what webhost are you using or would use? What other webhosts would you suggest?
I don't actually have my own hosting, I use the hosting the rest of my family uses, and I'm not sure what it is. It's pretty decent, though, on a Linux server, very fast
. I estimate more then $10/month. And I never really searched for a really good host. If you want about 5gb(unless you have user uploads or a ton of media should be enough), get a Linux server with 5gb which costs about 5$ per month. You're sure to find something like that somewhere.
Linux you say? Thanks for the tip.
Have you chosen a host yet? What do you expect you need? What are you using it for?
I'm not quite sure but few like 1-3 Gb would do at start. Not sure about bandwidth.
1 or 2 website and file hosting. Music, pictures and other stuff I'll want to host.
3GB of space is not nearly enough if you're planning on hosting files. I'd go with the plan below.
I googled 'Web Hosting', chose the 'Top Ten Web Hosting' link at the top, and look what I found
http://www.hostmonster.com/$5 a month, 50GB space, 1000GB transfer (what is transfer for
), Free Domain, supports PHP and stuff, has MySQL database, and I'm quite sure it has Fantastico.
Just get unlimited free space on googlepages. The only problem is that your files cant be bigger than 100mb.
And it would be unprofessional. The file problem IS a problem, you see, it would be difficult to attach a domain name to it, and the customer support is probably poor.