Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> Forum re-workings...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IsolatedPurity on 2006-10-12 at 13:44:17
Although perhaps all the forums can be rearranged better, this is mostly about the "Other" categories... let's hear some good opinions.

I "like" this setup, tell me what you think. My opinions are in []'s, although I'm stating what I'm thinking should happen in regular text. I'm just using the names we have now. Rename Misc for the 20th time? Maybe.

-- Polling Booth [I wish this would disappear, actually]
-- File Request [Maybe can go under or with another map/mod cata]
-- Advertisting [I really don't know why this was put back... I might delete it]
Light Discussion [Could be combined with Miscellaneous... and raise the bar for worthiness of this combine forum's topics (no more crap like "stupid question, stupid anwaser"]
Serious Discussion
Technology Discussion (Hardware, software, computer problems, events like google taking over youtube, etc)
-- Games
-- Programming (Websites programming, regular programming, what have you)
Creativity (All forums, besides websites & program (which is above) remerged into one main forum)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-10-12 at 13:56:06
I dont have huge part in this but I do know that what you cam up with is a good idea. The advertising doesnt make a lot of sence, the Polling booth should just be combined with Null/Misc. File request should be in DLDB. Everything else looks good!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-10-12 at 14:38:30
I think people need a place to be immature. Kill Null - strangle them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-10-12 at 15:08:01
Keep Null and File Request, combine Polling Booth with Null and kill Advertising. Possibly merge Lite and Null, and merging the Creative forums again is a good idea.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-10-12 at 15:24:02
Am I the only one who thinks some of the mapping and the Generic Editing Forums become a bit redundant and create too many situations where some topics fit in many forums and other topics not in any of them?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Centreri on 2006-10-12 at 15:34:53
I like everything except removing existing sub-forums. I think those should stay or be merged with something else. And I <3 the seperate forum just for programming happy.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-10-12 at 15:35:25
No. I think Staredit Related is a little bit useless. It used to be campaigns and team projects, but now that has it's own forum. I say make project graveyard a subforum of maps in production. I like the idea of merging lite and null, and deleting polling booth, ads, and file request. Those three seem useless, mainly filled with spam. Sigs can be used for file request, as well as ads.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-10-12 at 15:44:13
I say keep null. If you combined null and lite, there would be a lot more warns being handed out (assuming it remained at lite's level). Null isn't as bad as it seems, and merging it with lite would only make things worse.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-10-12 at 16:00:31
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Oct 12 2006, 02:23 PM)
Am I the only one who thinks some of the mapping and the Generic Editing Forums become a bit redundant and create too many situations where some topics fit in many forums and other topics not in any of them?

Yeah I think so too. Here's an update to my previous idea:
  • SEN
    • News
    • Welcome
    • Rules & Policy
    • Site Discussion
      • Banned Members (if needed...)
    • Staff Forum
  • Projects
    • Releases (consolidated)
    • Online UMS
    • Single-Player & Campaigns
    • Melee
    • Modding
    • Editor & Utilities
  • R&D
    • Help (consolidated)
    • Triggers (renamed Concepts forum)
    • Terrain
    • Hax0rs (modding and SC engine research tongue.gif)
    • Ideas
      • Junkyard (aka Project Graveyard)
  • Discussions
    • Community Discussion (previously Miscellaneous)
      • Popularity Contests (aka Polls tongue.gif)
      • Fun & Games
    • General Discussion (currently Lite Discussion)
    • Serious Discussion
    • Miscellaneous (this is where the name would be more appropriate tongue.gif)
      • Art & Creativity (non-starcraft creations)
      • Entertainment (movies, comics, other games, etc.)
      • Computers (programming, hardware, etc.)
    • Null (uncensored discussions... if you dare!)
  • History (old v4 threads or major discussions that have since been closed)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pie_Sniper on 2006-10-12 at 16:16:17
I think it is a bad idea to remerge the creative forums. I don't care about music, videos, and literature much, but I like to see art and programming. It's easier when it is all categorized.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-10-12 at 16:21:52
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Oct 12 2006, 01:43 PM)
Serious Discussion
Technology Discussion (Hardware, software, computer problems, events like google taking over youtube, etc)
-- Games
-- Programming (Websites programming, regular programming, what have you)
Creativity (All forums, besides websites & program (which is above) remerged into one main forum)

I like the idea of having a Tech discussion forum.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-10-12 at 16:36:05
Just simply kill advertising because it was only created for those who spam up the place with websites and such.

Also dont fuse light disscussion with misc that will sorta suck.
My idea of a new sen

•Staredit Network Functions
○SEN News
○Website regulations
○Staff members only room (optional forums were moderators,admins,Tutorial keepers ect may discuss private matters of the site)
○Monthly Themes (optional)
○Website maintainance and feedback

•Staredit mapping center
♫Maps in production and showcase (fuse them together)
☼Staredit help
☼Terrain section
☼Concepts and ideas
☼Staredit maps hall of fame

• Starcraft modding center
☼Modding projects and showcase
☺Modding concepts
☺Mod related help
☼Mods hall of fame

•Relax barracks
☼Staredit lounge (null)
☼Argument bunker (serious discussion)
☼Games related
☼Greetings and leavings (leavings is for members who choose to quit)
☼Competition Arena (Challenges and contests could be held here)

•Map making clans
\/ \/ \/
Insert clans here
/\ /\ /\
☼Request a clan/Recruit a member

Yep that would be the nice website. But a man can dream.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EcHo on 2006-10-12 at 16:39:21
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Oct 12 2006, 12:43 PM)
Although perhaps all the forums can be rearranged better, this is mostly about the "Other" categories... let's hear some good opinions.

I "like" this setup, tell me what you think.  My opinions are in []'s, although I'm stating what I'm thinking should happen in regular text.  I'm just using the names we have now.  Rename Misc for the 20th time?  Maybe.

-- Polling Booth [I wish this would disappear, actually]
-- File Request [Maybe can go under or with another map/mod cata]
-- Advertisting [I really don't know why this was put back... I might delete it]
Light Discussion [Could be combined with Miscellaneous... and raise the bar for worthiness of this combine forum's topics (no more crap like "stupid question, stupid anwaser"]
Serious Discussion
Technology Discussion (Hardware, software, computer problems, events like google taking over youtube, etc)
-- Games
-- Programming (Websites programming, regular programming, what have you)
Creativity (All forums, besides websites & program (which is above) remerged into one main forum)

I agree with everything except these
"Creativity (All forums, besides websites & program (which is above) remerged into one main forum) "

"Light Discussion [Could be combined with Miscellaneous... and raise the bar for worthiness of this combine forum's topics (no more crap like "stupid question, stupid anwaser"]"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-10-12 at 18:34:33
I seriously dislike the idea of reorganizing the modding/UMS forums along R&D and Production lines... I like everything modding and everything mapping staying together.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EcHo on 2006-10-12 at 18:36:41
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Oct 12 2006, 05:34 PM)
I seriously dislike the idea of reorganizing the modding/UMS forums along R&D and Production lines... I like everything modding and everything mapping staying together.

Yeah, I dont like that idea too. Mapping and Modding isnt the same.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-10-12 at 20:00:18


I've honestly wanted one for a while... but I'm not sure how active it would be on SEN... I could always help out a bit creating topics for it though..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-10-12 at 21:32:47
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Oct 12 2006, 10:43 AM)
Although perhaps all the forums can be rearranged better, this is mostly about the "Other" categories... let's hear some good opinions.

I "like" this setup, tell me what you think.  My opinions are in []'s, although I'm stating what I'm thinking should happen in regular text.  I'm just using the names we have now.  Rename Misc for the 20th time?  Maybe.

-- Polling Booth [I wish this would disappear, actually]
-- File Request [Maybe can go under or with another map/mod cata]
-- Advertisting [I really don't know why this was put back... I might delete it]
Light Discussion [Could be combined with Miscellaneous... and raise the bar for worthiness of this combine forum's topics (no more crap like "stupid question, stupid anwaser"]
Serious Discussion
Technology Discussion (Hardware, software, computer problems, events like google taking over youtube, etc)
-- Games
-- Programming (Websites programming, regular programming, what have you)
Creativity (All forums, besides websites & program (which is above) remerged into one main forum)

All the forums given are a good idea; provided that topics stay with the forums in their shift.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-10-12 at 21:45:58
QUOTE(IsolatedPurity @ Oct 12 2006, 10:43 AM)
Although perhaps all the forums can be rearranged better, this is mostly about the "Other" categories... let's hear some good opinions.

I "like" this setup, tell me what you think.  My opinions are in []'s, although I'm stating what I'm thinking should happen in regular text.  I'm just using the names we have now.  Rename Misc for the 20th time?  Maybe.

-- Polling Booth [I wish this would disappear, actually]
-- File Request [Maybe can go under or with another map/mod cata]
-- Advertisting [I really don't know why this was put back... I might delete it]
Light Discussion [Could be combined with Miscellaneous... and raise the bar for worthiness of this combine forum's topics (no more crap like "stupid question, stupid anwaser"]
Serious Discussion
Technology Discussion (Hardware, software, computer problems, events like google taking over youtube, etc)
-- Games
-- Programming (Websites programming, regular programming, what have you)
Creativity (All forums, besides websites & program (which is above) remerged into one main forum)

Polling is useless. Its the Null forum with nothing but polls... *shudders*

You could do Map Request and Mod Request in theier respective forums. Though you're killing one forum to make 2 more, I think it would be easier that way. Or just stick File Request under Staredit Related.

Advertising is useless. Its only been used for 4 clans and a few personal forums.

Now I actually think the Lite and Serious Discussion forums should be joined back up. Perhaps as a preliminary, you could merge Misc and Lite. But I always thought it was best when we had two forums for that stuff: Serious Discussion and Mindless Discussion. Oh and I do actually like the Misc forum, so I say we should keep it.

Adding A Tech Discussion would be cool. Though it may be confusing at first because the Google/YouTube event would probably be posted in Serious Discussion first (because the topic's creator would think its a serious topic) and then a Mod would be the one to move it to Tech - if tat makes any sense.

I like the programming forum. That's a good semi-addition.

Though the divisions for the Creativity forums make it a lot more organized and basically cleaner, it would make sense to merge them all again. I do like seeing a bunch of movie-only discussion in one forum and then literature-only discussion in another, though. Meh... I'd say keep it as it is now.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-10-12 at 22:00:26
We could do away with the Polling Booth and be a lot more stringent about what types of polls are allowed. For instance, no spammy "OMG WHICH WAY DO U COMB YOUR HAIR!?". But of course, I will lobby to keep SEN Survivor legal. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DevliN on 2006-10-12 at 22:03:54
Haha I remember SEN Survivor. Freakin' Ultimo rallied everyone to vote me off so soon. Oh well.

Yeah, the Polling Booth just isn't as interesting to me as the crazy Misc topics. I tried to respond to a bunch of polls (or at least vote in tons of them), but it got boring really quick.
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