Kenoli, it would be very difficult to center a location a long distance away from a unit. The displacement method will only work out so far, and unless you want to lag the map to hell it can only displace it a few tiles.
However the displacement method can be altered to copy itself and jump from one spot to the next like in my map
Shoot Out. But instead of haveing a explotion beam go all the way across the map you would have it copy a specific amount of times without killing any units.
The method Sama- mentions would work but it is very specificly a location that follows the unit. And to do that you don't need a dt at all it can be acomplished with two locations like this.
-Current player brings exactly 0 men to Location 1
-Current player brings exactly 0 men to Location 2
-Switch 1 is clear
-Center location 1 on men owned by current player
-Set switch 1
-Preserve Trigger
-Current player brings exactly 0 men to Location 1
-Current player brings exactly 0 men to Location 2
-Switch 1 is set
-Center location 2 on men owned by current player
-Clear switch 1
-Preserve Trigger
Then what you do is use the switch to toggle your action between the two locations. So I can do this
-Switch 1 is set (location 1 was just centered so 2 is away)
-Center location "Far Off" on 'indpendant command center at location 2
-Preserve Trigger
-Switch 1 is clear
-Center location "Far Off" on 'indpendant command center at location 1
-Preserve Trigger
Note: centering the location on the independant command center will be the same as centering the location on the other location.Now unlike the DT method this wouldn't work too well if the locations were large. Cause they only jump in increments equal to the locations size. You could instead make a loop of like 6 locations but then the unit could walk in a circle haveing the tail really close.
Oh well
it looks like i dug myself into a hole. And to think i was going to stay out of this topic. Pfft I guess every method has its advantages and disadvantages. Could you tell us why you need the location centered away from the unit. (i can't play your map sorry)