So is there any way to make maps 2x speed or 4x speed anymore?
It just crashes now doesn't it?....
Let me know if there's some alternative to making it 2x speed aside from a p14 map revealer, ty.
I think that the ones used before still work all of the first units made on the map, like what you said. I think p12 reaver is 2.5x regular speed, did you try that?
Im talking about post 1.13. During 1.14 player 14 map revealer and player 14 reaver crashes sc instead of giving the 2x speed (like in replays where you can increase the speed of the game). I was wondering if they found a different way to make it 2x speed.
If there is, it still hasn't been found. You could put some research into it and places tons of units for p14 and test out the effects.
Any unit by player 14 crashes. I heard there was a method using players under 12 such as player 9 to achieve 1.5x speed. Or something. Tell me if that's a possibiliity.
So is there any way to make maps 2x speed or 4x speed anymore?
It just crashes now doesn't it?....
Let me know if there's some alternative to making it 2x speed aside from a p14 map revealer, ty.
Are you planing to make a map

havnt seen any cool maps in a while.
I tried some units to test but ehh, nothing. I think the 2x speed thing is gone

I actually found the tut for this, it doesnt help at all scince P14 crashes.
Just go under the search and type "Player 12" and you will find it

I tested and found out that not all p14 units crash,
Kenoli informed me that some other units actually double animation.
Maybe I can try something. >_>
I'll get back to you.
Well folks. I got it.
Double animation works with any unit other than the map revealer. >_<
It's a lot slower for my map than the 2x speed that I had in 1.13 but it will still work.
Expect to see the map if people would still be willing to play it. :/
Looks like it still doesn't work. lol....
Now the map doesn't crash at the beginning, it crashes when something blows up... gg.
Ok I found another fix.
Apparently only certain types of units crash starcraft at 2x animation.
I am searching for alternatives currently.
Let's see how it goes... v_v
Couldn't find a 2x2 sized explosion for a blue unit. Gg.
Well it's more of kenoli's idea...
And it was really just a... "let's use another unit to create the 2x animation" substitute.
I really just placed any player 14 unit first in the unit slot 1 and then placed the rest of the map. Kenoli said use a lurker to test. So I did and it worked, I used an egg, it worked, I used a marine.. it worked.
But... it's not a very good substitute compared to the first method of using a map revealer.
Since now in the 1.14 patch, the 2x speed units, when they die, they generate a sprite such as those created when you disable a unit and cloak it. Like cloaking a zergling, thus resulting in a crash.
"2x speed" is really just "2x animation."
I think there was already discussion about 2x and 4x speed. But it was really discrete so nobody really caught on.
Yes... 2x speed 4x speed and whatever wacky speeds you can imagine are GONE in 1.14.
If you don't believe me, try playing a bound or defense with 2x or 4x speed. It will crash. Try keybound x2 as it's the only one that really comes to mind at this time while trying to study for my midterm v_v.
In any case, I just needed a zergling to burrow 2x faster than usual, so I can use a trigger to make it pop back out of the ground very quickly. Worked, then failed, then worked, then... really was just too useless and limited to create anything useful. v_v
Good luck to those who want to try it. :/
As a note, it has to go in the top left hand corner to work. :/ Just like old times.
Im not really that dissapointed... wasnt that great
In any case, I just needed a zergling to burrow 2x faster than usual, so I can use a trigger to make it pop back out of the ground very quickly.
Whats wrong if he pops out slowly?

Well if you really want to know,
It takes a full second for a zergling to be rendered as burrowed or underground. This means that any unburrow trigger will take a complete second or ~1000ms.
Also, if you add latency in a game, it's about ~1 second longer.
Now let's apply that to a bound. If you were to say, burrow at a certain time during a bound... it would take ~2 complete seconds to fully burrow into the ground. Imagine a bound with 2000ms explosions... not very difficult imo. v_v...
And as goes for the explosions in 2x speed. Some explosions wont crash, like the queen and zerling both work fine. v_v.
Scout? Crash. Shuttle? Crash. Arbiter? Crash. Corsair? Crash. Observer? Crash. Carrier? Crash...
But under 2x speed, you have less than half the ms per explosion interval, which definitely makes the bound a lot more fun and challenging and the such...
Well, keep up the testing.
If you want to start a thread in Concepts about new uses for messing with animation speed, start a thread in concepts, but this topic is only going to get spammed more.
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