On every page it says the right time, On the top of the Board listings it says the right time, but on the bottom it says 1 hour ahead, I havent checked every page, I have the time set up right because everywhere it is right except on the posts it is 1 hour ahead and on the bottom of the main forum page.
None of the times listed on this website are correct for me, so I just learned to ignore them (rather than, y'know, going and fixing it myself in the control panel).
I never noticed that all the times were different, though. Good find.
Well, on the top it is the right time, but for every post it is 1 hour ahead same with on the bottom of each page. I was just saying make thm all the same, then people could actually use them. They used to all be the same and right for me before the swap of hosts!
Yeah, it's been bugging me for a long time and I have no idea how to fix it.
Would Isolated Purity be able to fix this, I think that it would be a lot better to have all the times the same. I was used to having them right, and right now its kinda wierd!
This bug has been around since way before then. All the options are set right, and I really don't see why it happens.
EDIT: Edit lololol
Well then why would some times be right and some be wrong, they must not have the same value name, Someone should check to see if they are running on two seperate formulas or whatever.