attack25 1
turncwise 360
wait 20
attack25 2
turncwise 360
wait 20
useweapon 15 # Gemeni Missles
turncwise 360
wait 50
goto ProbeGndAttkInit
I dont know what to make the wait as
Wait, you are telling the probe to attack then turn in 360, which means it's not moving at all, I am guess you mean like this:
attack25 1
turncwise 120
wait 20
attack25 2
turncwise 120
wait 20
useweapon 15 # Gemeni Missles
turncwise 120
wait 50
goto ProbeGndAttkInit
I dont know what to make the wait as
I noob at this too, so don't take my words too seriously. (As you can see, the entire place is spamed with my questions)