im so stupid
god, how could I forget >.< thx for telling me that.
i ask too many questions but I have a major problem (this was hapening before I put the colon on the Script)
Here is my following Script for the Probe:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This is a decompile of the iscript.bin file 'data\scripts\iscript.bin'
# created on: Wed Sep 21 21:50:02 2005
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This header is used by images.dat entries:
# 137 Probe (protoss\probe.grp)
IsId 156
Type 21
Init ProbeInit
Death ProbeDeath
GndAttkInit ProbeGndAttkInit
AirAttkInit ProbeAirAttkInit
SpAbility1 [NONE]
GndAttkRpt ProbeGndAttkInit
AirAttkRpt [NONE]
SpAbility2 [NONE]
GndAttkToIdle ProbeGndAttkToIdle
AirAttkToIdle [NONE]
SpAbility3 [NONE]
Walking ProbeWalking
Other ProbeGndAttkToIdle
BurrowInit [NONE]
ConstrctHarvst [NONE]
IsWorking ProbeIsWorking
Landing [NONE]
LiftOff [NONE]
Unknown18 [NONE]
Unknown19 [NONE]
Unknown20 ProbeUnknown20
Unknown21 ProbeUnknown21
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
imgul09 138 0 7 # ProbeShad (protoss\probe.grp)
playfram 0x00 # frame set 0
goto ProbeGndAttkToIdle
wait 1
turncwise 360
wait 1
turncwise 360
wait 1
turncwise 360
wait 1
turncwise 360
wait 50
wait 25
wait 100
goto ProbeGndAttkToIdle
playsnd 598 # Protoss\PROBE\PPrDth00.WAV
imgol08 213 0 0 # ProtossBuildingExplosionSmall (thingy\tBangS.grp)
wait 3
attack25 1
turncwise 180
wait 10
turncwise 180
wait 20
attack25 2
turncwise 180
wait 10
turncwise 180
useweapon 15 # Gemeni Missles
wait 10
turncwise 180
wait 10
turncwise 180
wait 50
goto ProbeGndAttkInit
attack25 2
wait 10
attack25 2
wait 15
useweapon 13 # Nuclear Missle
attack25 1
wait 20
goto ProbeAirAttkInit
shvertpos 0
wait 5
shvertpos 1
wait 5
shvertpos 2
wait 5
shvertpos 3
wait 5
shvertpos 4
wait 5
shvertpos 5
wait 50
shvertpos 4
wait 5
shvertpos 3
wait 5
shvertpos 2
wait 5
shvertpos 1
wait 5
shvertpos 0
wait 50
goto ProbeGndAttkToIdle
useweapon 63 # Particle Beam
wait 1
waitrand 8 10
goto ProbeIsWorking
imgol08 235 0 0 # GoliathTurret (terran\goliathT.grp)
imgol08 139 0 0 # Unknown139 (protoss\probe.grp)
goto ProbeGndAttkToIdle
But, when I try to build a probe, it crashe and cloases down. So weird, I dont know whats wrong in there, I have checked over everything, I can't spot a thing wrong in my inexperience O.o
ok, I dont think it's that script, it also crashes when I try building a fleet beacon, plz help somebody, it's so annoying, and I have no idea what can be causeing it