My trigger is for player 1 and reads thus:
(if you can't understand starforge triggers you can't anwser this question)
Deaths(P8, AtLeast, 67109888, 13252);
DisplayText("Massing on", 4);
SetDeaths(CurrentPlayer, SetTo, 0, 179);
Comment("The center");
ARTmoney says the offset for the rally point for the building in question is 00624808
It's a 4 byte integer and ARTmoney says it equals xpos + (ypos*65536)
The condition used to be: Deaths(P8, Exactly, 67109888, 13252);
Which checked if the player had set the rally point for their gateway to the center. And the action used to not include the text displaying.
Before I changed the condition to AtLeast the trigger refused to respond ever.
This is where things get wierd:
When I changed it to at least it would always respond UNLESS I hadn't set a rally point yet or I had set the rally point to the very top left corner.
Now things get wierder:
My brother suggested that by player 8 ubercalc mean player 7, so I changed the player to player 7 and I got THE EXACT SAME RESULT.
wtf is going on. Why does the memory location = 0 when there is no rally point and equal a number far greater than it would be (I clicked in places that artmoney said were worth a mere 8) when a rally point is set? Also why does it behave the same way for player 7 and 8.
Why aren't the results that ubercalc gave me correct? How can I find the correct player number and unit ID?
And finally does anyone here know anything about EUDs besides me?
I'll email the map to people upon request.
So, for ALL X VALUES such that the y-coordinate of the rally point is 400 (1024 is dec) or greater and if the y-value is 400, the x value is 400 (1024) or greater.
That would be great, but what's happening is that for ALL X VAULES for the rally point (except for hasn't been set/0) it triggers.
In short I made a stupid mistake.
I'm very sorry.
Ignore all the other stuff I said, I just made a stupid simple mistake.