BTW: Clan policy page has a PHP error. on topic, just because they cleaned their member list and it's currently 7 doesn't give enough justification to close the forum. If memory serves right, you needed at least 10 active members to get the forum, but we didn't state that you needed to maintain those 10 active members to keep the forum. I see their forum is quite active, and it should be left there. We want to encourage mapmaking, disabling the forums may kill of the clan, something of which we wouldn't want to do.
I also noticed that there have been some recent discussions concerning the clan's current state, which you mentioned in your post. That really isn't a reason to remove their forum simply because they'd move it somewhere else and include us because we ended their non rule breaking discussion. Do note that moderation in the clan forums is slightly different than the rest of the forums. It's their own space, but we technically own it and will shut it down if it starts getting out of hand, as has happened in the past.