Ok, I'll introduce this topic by saying that it is the place where you put yourself forward as a candidate if you want to become one of the council of three leaders of the Staredit Network Alliance on Cyber Nations.
Although the responsibilities and powers of this council are not defined yet, there is a prototype constitution
The only requirement for standing is that you must have a nation on Cyber Nations in the Staredit Network alliance.
The format for putting yourself forward is as follows:
SEN Name:
Cyber Nations Name:
Nation Name: (This should be linked)
Nation Strength: (At the time of application)
Other: (Any information about why you should be on the council)
I'll begin by putting myself forward!
SEN Name: CaptainWill
Cyber Nations Name: CaptainWill
Nation Name:
Phaic TanNation Strength: 153.270
Other: I think I should be on the council because I'll be an active leader. I'll be ambitious for the alliance, but without getting us into any wars we can't handle. I'll try to make sure that alliance members have a large degree of freedom in what they do, but will come down hard on those who step out of line and start wars etc.
The signup will be open for 24 hours.
Also, note that the poll can only accept 20 candidates, so candidacy will be on a first-come, first-served basis!
List of candidates so far: