alright, i have quite a bit of text in my map but not like a ton. I have text at the start of ther game for each force. Force 3 works just fine then for force 1, all it shows is 1 message. I was told that tomany strings would do this. If this is true, i dont know how to get rid of strings.
If its not, please tell me how to fix.
(The triggers with text arent dissabled)
Can you show us the trigger?
If you're editing your text in SCM Draft, there can occur some strange problems that can't be explained
Actually they can be 2 words... string recycling. I still don't know why they haven't fixed it or removed it... I can almost gurantee that string recycling is the problem... I think uberation3 has a string unrecycler... but I'm not certain
Too many strings would mean a crapload of text in your map, to put it simply.
Are you sure that you have "Always Display" checked on the display text action? If not, the text would only appear with subtitles on.
There is a good chance you don't, since scmdraft's default starts with it unchecked (yet another thing that shouldbe fixed)
Displaying more than 11 lines of text at a moment will cause the former lines of text to be overwritten.
If you're using waits or hyper triggers, be sure that wait blocks aren't postponing the other display text messages.
I had the same problem once. I was working on a RPG, and the strings got bugged. Uberation3 was the way out. Use the srting unrecycler.
okay ill try that thing, ill look for it in staredit programs. Also i might have the 12 line thing but i dont think so....