This should be Mooses poll but I'll see if this is efficient.
Also someone else was complaining about smashing v5 even though it might sound as a waste I just put it up.
As for my option Moose we need the uploads to be fixed. People can't put there files like maps,sounds and stuff into there posts and these errors are very annoying.
The requested file upload failed because suitable permissions have not been enabled on the 'uploads' directory. Please contact the board administrator and inform them of this error.
get ready for DEADs #s 18 - 34.
i voted attachements, not having them is seriously a pain in the ass.
The DLDB shoud be fixed. Its an integral part of SEN.
What's wrong with the Website Statistics aside from it taking a while to update itself?
What's wrong with the DLDB besides uploading?
QUOTE(DevliN @ Nov 4 2006, 05:54 PM)
What's wrong with the Website Statistics aside from it taking a while to update itself?
Because of the hacker attacks some things have been reinordered (if thats a word) like for the polls the highest one has negatives were my poll "What kind of water do you drink" is suppose to be 2nd or 3rd. And also any other topics that need adjusting.
The server should smash the "your FTP files aren't owned by anyone WTF" bug, then maybe I can smash other things. I could easily fix the uploads bug by CHMODing the directory to 777, but for some reason there's a "bad file descriptor".
I'll probably do the FAQs and the other parts of the rules next, it's annoying me not having them.
Without having written rules, does that mean we can be horrible and start rioting?
J/k, but I think you should fix uploads.
The DLDB needs to be fixed first, wouldnt this fix uploads in the process? If not the DLDB needs to be fixed thatway people can host their new maps. I have a couple.
I think the DLDB needs to be slightly cleaned out from a large waste of maps that shouldn't really be there. I didn't know that there was a problem with uploading but i guess that is another reason to fix it.
Fix the avatar I've been trying to fix my avatar for weeks and I still cant do it. I'm looking at the mineral avatar and It's been bugging me to see that my avatar has a bunch of minerals but I dont
I say give Moose a break from smashing
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Nov 4 2006, 01:57 PM)
What's wrong with the DLDB besides uploading?
What's wrong with being murdered besides being dead?
The DLDB and attachments; v5 can't be smashed.QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Nov 4 2006, 10:47 PM)
What's wrong with being murdered besides being dead?
The DLDB and attachments; v5 can't be smashed.
So that problem will be here untill something else gets changed?
DLDB. DLDB is more important than avatars or signatures or statistics. Just look at the quote on the top of the Statistics page...
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Nov 4 2006, 09:47 PM)
What's wrong with being murdered besides being dead?
Nothing as long as it was organized
op sen needs a good smash...
Moose smash first three option in one great MOOSE SMASH! MOOSE SMASH!!
*summons a cheerleader squad with hippie jesus voodoo templar magic*
"Go moose! You can do it! Put a little smash into it!"
SENv5. It's what I'm hoping for the most, and would make a good Christmas present. Or earlier, if at all possible
I just noticed that none of the moderators' pins are on the Member Map, but everyone else can be found. Why us?
My bad, I forgot to add Moderators to the member map when I made the member group
I think every thing's good for now, so time to work on (not smash) v5. No DT, it's too late. Smash is now officially the new Sick. It's contemporary meaning is exactly opposite of its dictionary definition.
No DT, it's too late. Smash is now officially the new Sick. It's contemporary meaning is exactly opposite of its dictionary definition.
I love slang!!!!
Play gentle basicly with senv5 thats all.