I have a map where when two people have there zealots met they have a battle. And when the battle goes on I want a timer so the battle cant last forever or hording near hills, but I want the timer to reflect how many people there is and I cannot think up an effective way. Example 2v3 I want the timer to reflect for 5 people which should be like 8 minutes and 9 minutes for a 3v3.
Have one DC used to detect the # of players on a team, and a second DC to run the timer for the players. When the value of the former DC changes, edit the value of the second DC accordingly.
How do I determine the # of players in a battle with dcs?
Group both players in one force and use condition Force X brings exacly X man to location whare the battle take place. Respectively to number of units brought to location set initial value of Death Counter.
All Players; Current player brings atleast 1 zealot to battle, set DC to 1 for current player.
All players suffers atleast 3/4/5/6 deaths.. set timer accordingly.
Of course, add in some sort of time limit so that once people die the timer doesn't reset. But that seems like to be the easiest way.
Thank your Fritfrat your adviced helped me all the others only confused me more. I did'nt know you could add a DC I thought you could only set it.
KK I still have a problem with this the timer does not want to start for me. Here is how i did the trigger.
Battle is set; move all units at location to Before battle spot, preserve
Battle is set, battle terrain is set; move all units at before battle spot to battle spot, preserve
Player has atleast 1 unit at before battle spot; add 1 dc to unit 3 for player 1, preserve
player 1 dcs for unit 3 are at 2; set timer to 500 seconds
This doesnt work i need to know a diffrent way.
Dont't use a human to hold a death counter that affects multiple players, especially not if one or more of these players might be missing in the game.
Rest sounds sane, would have to look deeper into it...
Yeah I will change the fact that Player 1 will be having such a controlling DC but its racking my head with what might be wrong I've dont like 20 tests just changing a few things and I cant figure it out. Posting all my failure attempts would take to long.
Err, the method I have doesn't have you adding death counters, just setting it to 1. Have it so each player individually sets their counter to 1, since the "All Players" condition would add up all their deaths.
It's basically the same as doing "all players bring 3/4/5 zealots," except that each player can only add 1 to the total no matter how many zealots they have, since a player will only have 1 death of (unit) no matter how many zealots they bring to the area.
"All Players" suffering x amount of deaths add up just like "all players" bring x amount of units to a location. So if p1-p5 all have 1 death of (unit), then "All players" would have 5 deaths of that unit.
Hopefully that cleared up my suggestion for you. You can do it all for a single player, too, but I think this way would be the easiest.
But what if when the its counting up the timer for two players overrides the timer for 6? Will it?
How do I make it so it doesnt just keep setting the timer to the amount?