Call of Duty 3 is being released tomorrow for north americans and on november 10th for europeans. It is a major upgrade from call of duty 2 multiplayer and graphics wise. The only problem with this game is what it has for its history (it has americans taking over paris, not the french liberation of paris as its told in history)and the fact its only on xbox 360 and psp (i believe or its ps3).
This is a movie of the gameplay.
Is anyone going to get this? I may get it not for the fact of killing nazis (some were my ancestors) but the fact that it looks like one heck of a game. You can battle nazis up close by wrestleing for your gun or theres. You can select your class online and you get rank ups for that class. Its really neat if you ask me.
You should boycott history class too, because they talk about nazis!!
Personally, I didn't like COD2, so even if I had an Xbox 360 I probably wouldn't buy it.
Wow, Call of Duty has recieved a lot of awards, I think that I might buy it if I get a Ps3. I am not sure if I am going to get a Ps3 yet or not, but If I do, this is the first game I'll buy.
I might be able to appreciate it better if youtube hadn't hacked apart the video quality.
It's comming out on Wii as well. Too bad it won't come out for PC, this is going to get some people mad. I'll just get my friend to buy it and I'll play
I really want some campaigns when you play as a German soldier but I'm guessing that won't happen...
Yeah, it makes me mad that it's not being released on PC. After all, the original Call of Duty was for PC only.
QUOTE(KaboomHahahein @ Nov 5 2006, 10:58 AM)
It's comming out on Wii as well. Too bad it won't come out for PC, this is going to get some people mad. I'll just get my friend to buy it and I'll play
I really want some campaigns when you play as a German soldier but I'm guessing that won't happen...
There is a game that you can play as german soldier but i forgot what it was called. It is a very outdated n64 game though. Call of duty will never allow germans as a campaign because people will then boycott them if they are jewish or are racist to nazis.
Racist to nazis? Since when has nazi been a race?
Driving vehicles on the Wii is really cool looking. You hold the controller like you would with a steering wheel.
Over all of the new consoles coming out I think that the Ps3 will be more powerful and better. The price is its only problem, though they cant just give away something this powerful, they didnt go with anything cheep on this one. I am 100% sure this game will be out for Ps3.
call of duty 3 is coming out on wii also
which i will be gettin a wii and call of duty 3 so yay
QUOTE(Mp)7-7 @ Nov 5 2006, 07:40 PM)
Over all of the new consoles coming out I think that the Ps3 will be more powerful and better. The price is its only problem, though they cant just give away something this powerful, they didnt go with anything cheep on this one. I am 100% sure this game will be out for Ps3.
Besides the fact that its test model caught up in flames.
It's just a test model.
PS3 is going to be a failure though, IMO. Microsoft and Nintendo are going to beat it.
Yep thats right deathawk, i can even argue with you guys why the PS3 isnt even better than the 360.
What do you describe as better..?
thwe wii will pown all systems with the new zelda,call of duty 3,and the new supersmash bros.I agree that the ps3 will suck.who cares about hd graphics,you can still enjoy a game w/o hd and have me ps3 is exactly like a 360 just more expensive
Gears of War beats this game sorry.
better is a very broad word, but i guess people mean more good, or like better quality...
Then why would the PS3 be worse quality? It has better hardware, and a blue-ray player.
its because ps3 is a waste of money,see now if it was only 300-400$alot more people would buy it.the day the 360 came out the shelves were half full in some stores.
Value doesn't mean quality =\
on x360 and ps3 only? dude its gonna be on the wii too.
I'll probably get this for x-mas along with Rainbow Six Vegas. (i think ti will be out by then)
But i am going to but Gears of war asap
Dude, it's out. I guess you aren't buying it ASAP
i have it on the 360.
its really awsome.
the multiplayer mode is somewhat of a rip off ranking system from battlefield.
for me... i dont care what system is going to be the best. im going to buy the ps3 and the wii
Damn, you've got a lot of money. PS3+Wii+360=$1250
QUOTE(dumbducky @ Nov 9 2006, 12:12 PM)
Damn, you've got a lot of money. PS3+Wii+360=$1250
$1250=Spoiled Kid