Okay here we go, number 1, the big one
1.Okay hopefully you have heard of 'ghost players' if you haven't then shut up, sit down and dont talk. Okay, so I know how ghost units work, but ghost triggers are a different story, from what I know if a player is missing and you the the trigger in his section and you use current player it will not create ghost units. But I'm wondering how this works for Forces, using triggers that effect players, even if they aren't there.
2. Okay, when you use hypertriggers, does it affect all the triggers in the whole map, or just the triggers in the section it's in?
Okay guys, get solving!
Q3: How do you get warning %? I got 20%(you don't have to buy that thing at the store) at the moment and I'm wondering what the heck it's about and if you can get rid of it.