Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Games -> Xbox Live
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Battle_DoT_NeT on 2006-11-12 at 00:20:01
So yeah. Im sitting here bored out of my mind. I was wondering if anyone here has a 2 month xbox live subscription left over that I can have. Its not really piracy so I guess its not breaking any rules here. Its not like im asking for something anyone really had to pay for... But yeah My xbox live account expired so I need a new one to play Gears Of War with. I beat the game already and now I want to play it on live but can't... So yeah please don't lock this and if u have one that u don't need or w/e then you can send the code my way. PM it to me if possible.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-11-12 at 04:10:37
hmmm your 19 years old and you dont have any money to buy gold membership for a year?
you might as well wish santa that you want one.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Battle_DoT_NeT on 2006-11-12 at 10:28:57
QUOTE(Mp)MinigameEast @ Nov 12 2006, 04:10 AM)
hmmm your 19 years old and you dont have any money to buy gold membership for a year?
you might as well wish santa that you want one.

17... Where exactly did u get 19 from?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-11-12 at 10:39:14
50 bucks isn't that much. Get a job or something.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Battle_DoT_NeT on 2006-11-12 at 11:56:42
Yeah I know, But the thing is i want to play Gears Of War Now! And I don't get paid for another 2 weeks... so yeah. I know all this crap about jobs or w/e. Saying that helps me none.
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