Ok, im working on this map thats pretty straight forward and simple...or so I thought. You command units on a small map and try and take beacons from other players, every 30 seconds that beacon that you just captured will spawn, 1 marine. There are 9 beacons and I can get the first one you capture to work, but then the others dont work. Only the first one does. Im not sure if I explained this right, but can someone help me with a time system of some sort here.
Show us the triggers for the first beacon, and then for the following beacon/s that don't work.
Didn't you forget to put a PreseveTrigger somewhere ?
Are you trying to use 1 trigger to apply to all the beacons at once?
Need some more info here o.o
Well heres the trigger I have at the moment, and all the beacons are on different timers, so thats why i'm not sure if its working right.
Current Player Brings 1 Beacon to Spawn 1
wait 30000 milliseconds
Create 1 Marine at Spawn 1 for current player
preserve trigger.
And that works fine, but when I do this at more locations then one, they add up on eachother, any idea on changing this or something?
You could:
Have one trigger
Wait 30000 ms
Set Switch 1
Clear Switch 1
Preserve trigger
Then have seperate triggers for each beacon area
Current player brings atleast 1 beacon to Spawn 1
Switch 1 is set-
Create 1 Marine at Spawn 1
The triggers would have to be under different players though