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Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> [SOLVED] Inexplicable Hyper Trigger Disfunctionality
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PyroDog on 2006-11-15 at 19:34:41
Mm.. well, I'm fairly familiar with how hyper triggers work and their implementation, and I have used them successfully in the past several times. I've recently begun to work on the sequel to a movie map I've made in the past, but I have become stonewalled on something that should be relatively trivial - the goddamn hyper triggers REFUSE TO WORK under any circumstances!

Because of this, I've put off working on my map for the last 4 months, and I really don't want to take the trouble to create a new map where (hopefully) the hyper triggers do work, because switching the triggers, locations, and units away from the first map would be a pain (even with the relatively little amount of work I've done.)

Here's the issue. Let's say I center view on a certain area or unit. And then the person watching the movie decides to scroll away. W/o hyper triggers, it'll take a few seconds before the movie zooms back onto the aforementioned unit or area (assuming you have preserve trigger on). With HTs, however, it'll almost instantly scroll back to where that unit or location is. This is especially useful when I want the camera to lock onto one moving unit. Otherwise the center view will jump onto the unit ever few seconds, which is really really annoying.

So guess what? I create hyper triggers, I center the view on the player, I preserve trigger, and the BLOODY HTs DO NOT WORK. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

And yes, I'm viewing the movie online. Not single player mode.

This is really pathetic. I just don't get it. This isn't the first time that a map I've worked with glitched. In my previous movie, for example, for some extremely weird reason some units wouldn't do any damage. But that's not the point. My point is, either

a.) Something is wrong with the map. It's glitched, and I'll need to move all my triggers, locations, and units onto a new map, which will be a pain. What caused this glitch remains unknown.

b.) Something is wrong with the mapeditor I'm using. I'm currently working with xtra editor classic, and therefore it doesn't implement the triggers correctly for some bogus reason.

c.) the patch screwed things up (unlikely)

d.) there is something wrong with the trigger itself and I'm retarded.

Could anybody elaborate on this situation, and hopefully provide some insight?

To facilitate anybody's help, I've included a rough copy of the map as an attachment if somebody wants to take a look. I've taken out the .wav files to keep the file size small for you guys, and it's also an early version of the map so (hopefully) nobody is going to try to steal it, since they'd be stealing very little anyway.


Thank you!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PyroDog on 2006-11-15 at 20:18:16
QUOTE(SomeIdiotNerd @ Nov 15 2006, 04:44 PM)
theres two reasons i can think of...either:
• the person who controls the HT's uses waits
• the person who is using the HT's is creating wait blocks.

No, the person who uses HTs doesn't have any other triggers, although P1 is a human player if that means anything. It should work, but it doesn't.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-11-15 at 20:22:26
wrong tongue.gif, what you don't realize is that players 1-8 are the only valid 'trigger holders.' everything else just refers to combinations of these eight players. so, in your map, player 1(and also players 2-8, but they're irrelevant) has every trigger in 'all players' in his trigger list.

so yes, player 1 has both hypers and waits.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-11-15 at 20:28:02
Give P8 the hypers and make the triggers under "All Players" only for the players, or possibly p7 if needed.

It's best not to use trigger groupings such as forces and all players when dealing with waits.

EDIT: So nope, none of the 4 things you mentioned were it. Something was wrong with the trigger, but I don't think that makes you retarded.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-11-15 at 20:29:45
It seems that you have triggers with waits that belong to All Players and a HT that belongs to a human player -- this will result in either:

1) Wait blocks -- the trigger that runs waits first will force other waiting actions to "wait" for the former, causing HTs to malfunction.
2) Absent HTs -- If player 1 is absent from the game, the hyper triggers shall not run.

If the former is true, remove the wait actions from the All Players so that Player 1 can successfully run the HTs.

It's also recommended to give the HTs to a computer player with no waits.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PyroDog on 2006-11-15 at 20:58:04
Sweet! Ty ty ty ty ty

And yes, I'm just retarded :/

I can finally get back to working!
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