I'm attempting to make certain units at a location, attack move to another location. Which doesn't seem to work for me, another thing is when I try add the "Text" messages, they never appear or take triple the time I set before they are activated. Can someone please help me?!
You probably is using hypper triggers(HT) for this player.
You can put HT for the player that have triggers that uses WAIT or else it will mess your triggers
Solution, get a player like p7 and put HT on it, and put it as neutral or something.
::Condtion::W/e the conditon is
::Action::Create unit at location 1
::Condition::Always, Brings atleast 1 unit to location1
::Action:: issue order to all any units at location1 'move' to location2, Preserve Trigger
If something is taking longer than it should and you're using waits, you're probably experiencing
Wait Blocks.
As far as creating the unit, ordering attack, and having a text message, just do what mp)blu said only change it to order "Patrol" to location and to use the Display Text Message trigger action, making sure that the"Always Display" box is checked.
Sorry, I didnt give enough information. I've provided information on what i'm trying to do, the thing is. It's not working it either never happens, or takes triple (or longer) the time. Give me some pointers?
Elapsed scenario time is at "duration" game seconds
Issue order to all units owned by "player2" at "Example2":
attack to Example4
Wait for "duration" miliseconds
Issue order to all units owned by player1 at "Example1"
attack to Example3
Display for current player:
If you have another wait in the triggers for this player, they will stack (making them take longer). There are tutorials and stuff explaining exactly why this happens, but you're looking for a solution. The best thing to do is try to not make more than one wait trigger be active for any player at any given time. So, for example, if you have hyper triggers running for this player, you should move them to a computer player that has no other wait triggers (you only need hyper triggers running for one player to have an effect on all triggers).
If you absolutely can't get rid of the other waits, you can use some other way of counting time - the countdown timer, deathcount timers, or a moving unit timer.
You said sometimes text messages don't appear or take a long time to appear. If the messages don't appear at all, go back and make sure you checked the "always on" box.
For the other stuff, sounds like wait blocks; Read above
Thanks guys, i've got it.
Expect my map out in a few weeks.
Also, use patrol, not attack. It works better.