I'm back, again. As you'd expect. So here's what's going down now.
I have my Bengalass biuldable.
My Bengalass can fight just like any other unit.
I learned how to spell Bengalass.
I'm sure everyone's noticed this before. Or maybe not. Anyways, when I try to select neutral units in groups of twelve... It doesn't work. They are kinda like biuldings in that way... I can't seem to select more than one Bengalass at a time. It just won't let me. I can select one, but that's it.
Is there any way I can mod it so that I can select Bengalass in groups of 12... Or am I extremely unfourtonate that this is something hardcoded into the game?
QUOTE(wingedcloud @ Nov 19 2006, 09:03 AM)
your really thinking too much if you think its hardcoded... really...(no offense)
Lol.. I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that, but I don't really take offense. I was just wondering, because I've been looking everywhere for it.
Anyways, thanks a bunch, again.
When I finish my mod, I'll go back and give some minerals to everyone who helped me here

what are the minerals on <<<<<<<<<<< for? o_O
Oh! Hey... It didn't work.
I go into datedit, and the single entity box is already unchecked. I tried checking it, and then testing my mod, but it's still the same. So yeah, it's unchecked but I still can only select 1 at a time...
Is this some kind of error in datedit

?! (Kidding)
isit your unit? (the single entity wasnt checked... dots...)
QUOTE(wingedcloud @ Nov 19 2006, 09:26 AM)
isit your unit? (the single entity wasnt checked... dots...)
It was the neutral critter unit, the Bengalass. And this unit as well as the other critters is a single entity, so therefore the box should be checked by default. But it wasn't for me.
Try 2 more things (separately, then in combo) - 1.change all the AI behaviours to be 'Guard' 2.Uncheck the 'Neutral' flag in the StarEdit tab.
what i meant was, when you play the game, does the unit belong to you? if its not, then its normal for it to be single.
QUOTE(wingedcloud @ Nov 19 2006, 09:33 AM)
what i meant was, when you play the game, does the unit belong to you? if its not, then its normal for it to be single.
Yes. I have changed it so that in the game, it belongs to you.
Okay, I tried that BroodKiller, and there's no difference. You might want to know that the single entity box is unchecked for all the other neutral units, and I haven't touched those units a single bit. It's like this in the default units.dat as well.
what about the owned flag?
QUOTE(wingedcloud @ Nov 19 2006, 09:52 AM)
what about the owned flag?
Yeah, I've had the 'owned' box checked since before I made this thread.
I have a feeling this has something to do with EXE restrictions... copying the Bengalaas' units.dat entry to the Marine (without editing it) allows it to be selected fine. The only difference between the two was the Unit ID.
*the 3 people who are reading this thread will feel dots* why not make bengalass a super unit?
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Nov 19 2006, 10:00 AM)
I have a feeling this has something to do with EXE restrictions... copying the Bengalaas' units.dat entry to the Marine (without editing it) allows it to be selected fine. The only difference between the two was the Unit ID.
Hmm. You're right. I pasted the .dat entry to the marine, and it allowed it to be selected... So... Does this mean there's no possible way for me to make the Bengalass selectable like that?
i tried using the dark archon to mc it and then try to select.. but the result is as stated...
Well I guess I could just paste the entry to a hero or something for now... So this is still unsolved I suppose, but I have an alternative. But if anyone wants to take a shot at what's wrong here, be my guest.
i heard critters are hardcoded, from a thread 1 year ago. starter was nirvanajung, and he tried to the the same to kukura or the bird of shakuras, but the same results. i thinkk your only choice is use hero...
QUOTE(wingedcloud @ Nov 19 2006, 10:39 AM)
i heard critters are hardcoded, from a thread 1 year ago. starter was nirvanajung, and he tried to the the same to kukura or the bird of shakuras, but the same results. i thinkk your only choice is use hero...
Lol exactly... But I said in the first post of this thread that I think it might be hardcoded... And you told me I think to hard LOL. I'm not mad or anything though. Everythings fine. You and others have helped me learn alot tonight.
*deleted the post i posted just now.
He quoted it, so it's still visible though :p
Anyway, we need to figure out what that checkbox does if it isn't whether or not you can select multiple units
single entity: if check, the unit will only be able to be selected as 1 unit. if uncheck, the unit can be selected in groups.
the critters seem to have that option uncheck, so it might be the EXE problem. it could be hardcoded.
QUOTE(Ojan @ Nov 19 2006, 05:26 PM)
He quoted it, so it's still visible though

Anyway, we need to figure out what that checkbox does if it isn't whether or not you can select multiple units
Thet thing is that this is what it does, it's the critters that have different characteristics. Try it yourself.
From what I remember, each unit has its own setting for this in the exe. It is related to the setting for which type of status information is shown at the bottom for the unit when selected.
I checked the Status Bar functions for the Bengalaas in StarGraft, and they're just standard ones. It must be something else.
Change it into a building, and all your troubles goes away.