Carried Defence
This is what the map will include...
*7 players possible (7 recomended)
*ban section
*vote ban (so players can vote for another to be banned)
*255 upgrades for your units
*test wave to test your defence
*clear ban votes
*36 waves
*2 type's of building units SCV and Probe
*48 lifes
*20 units per wave
Every wave goes through every players defence, e.g. Carried Defence. You start with 1 SCV and 5 Marines. SCV is allowed to build Turrets. At the shop you can upgrade from a SCV to a Probe for 10 civ's. Probe builds Cannons.
Theres not much information to judge this on yet, but so far it seems too normal and boring.
Whats the "Great" thing about this map? please provide more info.
Sounds like just about every other defense in the market, not to be harsh or offensive, but this isn't the place to say "IM MAKING A NEW DEFENSE!". Try to have an idea that will spark the minds of others to assist you create a wonderful map, not just a 5 minute enjoyment.
True that!
Anyways this map seems like Turret Defense 2000. It looks really similar