Hi there! well i dont' like it much.The "heros" like Crim and all these sucks,the maker should put some real RE heros without stupiditys like Crim or his own name and somethin' like that,and,fuerthemore,what about the terrain? it's not bad,but,the maker should put more terrain,i saw the terrain and i think that its too little.He need put more details in the buildings,streets,etc... for looks decently.
I agree whit Excalibur about the rigged units,he must fix the hp and dmg coz,for now,sucks so much.Well,tell him that the map isn't bad (i saw worst map,and when i say worst maps,are WORST maps
),but need much more work on it and some sounds will be nice for get more interesting.
Well,i saw that he has been supported by a clan called REOB,where i could find them? coz i want talk whit them.
Well see you!