Whenever i go 2 play my map, wen sum1 get caught it just makes LOADS of flags. and they wont go away... can any1
You'll need to post the triggers or attach the map for us to look at; right now we don't really have enough information to do anything.
[COLOR=green]Ok, i havent finished it yet, done no trigs for cats..so dont complain..
If flags keep spawning, it probably means that the conditions for the create flag trigger are met, and there is a "pereserve trigger" action in the action list.
Basically, if my guess is correct, all you need to do is add this to your condition list:
"Player you need" brings exactly 0 flags to "flag zone"
That way, the flag will be created only if there are no flags for the player you specify in the "flag zone" location. Just don't forget to remove the flag when the player gets saved.
So it would be:
Player X Owns 0 Flag At 'Flags'
Player X Owns 0 Mouse! At 'PlayArea'
Kill all [Any Unit] At anywere for Player X
kill all [Buildings] At anywere for Player X
Create 1 'Dead Mouse' At 'Flags' for Player X
Display Text for Player X 'You were caught, Wait unitill you are Saved'
Preserve Trigger.
So that'll only work when they own 0 flag and 0 probe.
Yes. Isn't it what you want?