Yeah I know how to use all of the stuff, it's just that I only used them offline.
The reason I wanted to use CD timers was to basically give the hint of "here... THIS is how much time you have left to use this ability". My initial way of wanting to do it was to use leaderboards, but they will show all players in the list which doesn't look that pretty

I suppose I could use text, but overlapping 11 lines just to show a timer would disable in-game chat for that player

If I could use 1.14 EUDs to change the unit's name to something like "Marine (20 secs left)... Marine (19 secs left)... Marine (18 secs left) etc.) so that he could see the time in his name or if I could increase or decrease kills it would be something...
So I was looking for a method that would more or less display the remaining time

And timers seemed the most professional way. But if timers are server-side that kinda kills my ambition. The only way I can think of actually displaying a virtual timer would be to use the energy bars... although it would have been my last resort

Is there any other displayable timer that is even a bit client-side or at least doesn't influence other players ?
Note: this wouldn't exactly be for an UMS, so any suggestions involving use of locations is out