I have been making a lot of maps before, but never actually finished one. I noticed that on the B.net the maps that takes max. 30 mins to play are popular, so I decided to use one of my old ideas to create a map like that.
Map specifics:-Suitable for 6 players, (I was thinking about adding the seventh).
-128x128,badlands 75% of the map is actually made of asphalt and structure so it doesn't really look like a typical badland map, I wanted to make it look more civilized.
Goal:-The first one to get 20 kills wins(this also may be changed, although I love to complicate things a bit)
Description:You start as an unarmed civilian, with exactly nothing. There are several weapons on the map wich you can collect, and a lot of items you can use to save your life in a critical situation, or cause one to your enemy.
Available Weapons:-Machine Gun (Marine)
-Flame Thrower(Firebat)
-Motorcycle(Vulture, fast, low damage, low plating)
-Jeep(Vulture, slow, medium damage, good plating)
-Tank(Tank, slow, low damage, high plating, more hp)
(this may be updated!)
None of theese units posses special abilties, they're disabled.
Available Items:-Grenade(creates an infested terran wich you can aim at your enemies[explodes after some time if not used]
-EMP Schockwave(Kills all grenades wich are beeing thrown at the current player and destroys nearby mines)
-Mine(places a spider mine at the current location)
-Motion Detector(Pings all enemy units)
-Spike Trap(Places a lurker under your unit, very low hp, can be easily killed when detected by the EMP)
-Kennels(this is a funny one, creates a dog [max 1]for the current player wich can be used to scout, or to hold a certain position[will be explained later on]
-Health Pack(Restores HP to 100%)
-Key(Allows to open a specific gate)[will be explained later on]
Explanation:I'll now explain the things put in brackets.
There are two places on the map like this. There's an upgrade center(wich is also a garage where the vehicles are kept) and a control pannel.
Each of theese places has a beacon, that when you enter it becames yours, you take conrol over it and after you do so you can upgrade/use the pannel or do whatever you want.
To enter the upgrade center you'll need a key. The control pannel is free for everyone, so there is no problem reaching that area. When you take over the control pannel(starport) You can either buy a wraith(costs only time) to get you some minerals (wich can be later used to afford an upgrade, or to take control over some areas).
There are some gun traps placed on the map(only a few, with very low damage). Buying a dropship causes them to shoot at everyone who's a foe. Before anybody get to the control they're neutral to all.
When the players die, the control, money and items are removed. You respawn just as you started - with one useless civilian.
The only way to change a weapon is to die. I know it would be nice to be able to switch weapons and so on, but that would cause sitiuations like: a machine gunner with 1 hp changes it's 'weapon' to a flamethrower, becomes a firebat and get's automaticly healed by the new choice.
So what would you say? Is this something that I should be ashamed by or may I be proud of the map I'm just finishing? Any ideas, comments, death threats welcome