Specifically my stats:
2.0 Ghz AMD Althon XP 2400+
256 MB NVidia GeForce FX5500
768 MB RAM
75 GB harddrive
Onboard AC'97 soundcard(or something)
Belkin USB Ethernet adapter(like a wireless router, but has wires)
Other things I may be forgetting, like a keyboard and a mouse
Basically, even after turning the sound and graphics settings down to their lowest, Halo can't keep up even 30 FPS, and when rendering things like the covenenant dropships in mission 2, the framerate gets even crummier. Why does my computer choke on HALO when it's capable of supporting it? It didn't have half the problems with Star Wars Battlefront II(Well, it kinda ran crummy but much more playable there), which requires like 2x the system capacity(very rough guesstimate that doesn't take into consideration important things)
It should work for you. You've got a better computer than me(except I've got a faster processor, but I don't think the .66Ghz are making the difference). Are your drivers up to date? Are you running lots of programs in the background?