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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> "The Blood Chamber"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-28 at 13:03:42
The Blood Chamber

-:- Size = 256x256 = Jungle
-:- Game = RPG
-:- Doodad Layering
-:- Sprite Layering

Story Line

-:- In the year 921 AD in a thought to be missing area in England, the vampire's very birth right came to be as the humans still feared our wrath yet there was always something among the human ranks that was getting more and more curious every battle conflict that we had. Their skills in killing had become amazingly presice like never before and has forced us to belive that they have a new leader.

-:- 852 AD -:-
A day for victory for the vampire as we storm the humans fortress that was being built next to our location up amongst the mountains. Our leader, lead our forces to victory and brought back the necklace of the fallen king's demise "Loraqus"

-:- 910 AD -:-
As the years went by from the human kings demise and the vampire's rejoy through out the ages as the leaders lead them from another battle to the next absolutely obliterating their enermies... untill today that the vampires felt a sudden coldness in the air, not like the coldness they have felt ever since they were born or turned as a vampire but a coldness that fear more than anything.

-:- Today 921 AD -:-
Although we throught are victory was at hand as the humans fled in terror at all the battles that came and passed, our elder's have been sent away in order to fight a new threat accross the sea's. Without their leadership there is a chance the humans will become aware of their departure... which means the time to strike will be soon and we will drink the blood of our enermies in the great kings hall's.

Without the resort of " The Blood Chamber "

The Blood Chamber " Thought to be the vampire's temple of life but as the humans became aware of its existance : they looked through all the past time's of conflicts against the vampires search for their ansewer which untill now was apparent to them that there was no such chamber.

Strangly enough but only 5 years ago to this very day, the vampire's sent a message to the unknown leader with these word "It Exist's".
This shocked them as they had not noticed that the vampire's knew they were trying to find out about the chamber, none the less they continued the search for any kind of information about the existance of such a chamber.

2 years after that day and their search was for nothing...
1 more year and yet another battle against the 2 species, the war had not changed for more than 600 years. The battle that had taken place was of a brutal nature as if to lead the humans to belive that they were running out of time but not untill this lonely soldier who served the king with all his heart stumbled apon an item that could prove the very doom of the human race.

He found amongst a vampire warlord's robe : a faint written in blood cloth with a brief sentence "The Chamber Of Dream's".
The king thought for hours on end to figure it out untill a realisation that there was no such chamber of the name The Chamber Of Dream's.
But The Blood Chamber of the same cause.
It was written that The Chamber Of Dream's was a temple that summoned fallen warrior's to fight for a birth right cause. Untill he realised "The Blood Chamber and "The Chamber Of Dream's" are indeed the same, Blood vs Dream would be the realisation of fallen vampire warriors to aid them in combat.

The time is now for the 2 race's to put their strength , knowlage , wisdom to the very test for the soul servival... The story never end's.

Short Story line By : Hennius.


-:- Players = 1-3

-:- Computers = 4

-:- New = ranged weapons + weapon = leg and arm. More than 30 new kinds of weapon's. Along with more weapon's there is also the concept that alot more can be yours for example ive made for each group of weapons to either trade / bronze / silver or gold which makes it harder to recieve your weapon of ultimate power = 2 bronze = 1 silver = 2 silver = 1 gold

Well this is the beta thread for The Blood Chamber which will explain absolutely everything and i mean everything there will be that you might like to know about the map that the alpha thread didnt happy.gif welcome to hell my brothers.

First is that the terrain from alpha to beta is almost 1337% better than the alpha terrain for it is almost perfected.

Second is that im rethinking over everything and starting to put things where they should be for example ive had to remove the battle system :S far ,,, far too many triggers were required in order to get even close to makeing it.

Third is i have decided to add ranged weapons to this map smile.gif will make it almost more fun in some case's if ur a fan of legolas from the lord of the rings then your going to like this happy.gif

And lastly : as much as im proud of all of my maps ... once this is finished... my mapping from that point is finished tongue.gif and as my last map : ill still be online every now and then online and sen aswell happy.gif goda luv u guys.

-:- How To Play -:-

Simpley once the introduction finishes to the map : you have to take your vampire to safety after a long battle against the humans... your tied and weak soo your vampire will be slow : you go through the map taking quests and become stronger and stronger on your way : finding strange items and magic ... become a vampire archer or warrior or maybe even a powerful mage.

The choice of combat style depends on how often you use your ability happy.gif ive got an idea for a new little thing that tells you how often you use a certain ability.

Weapons List

-:-Light Weapon's-:- (Dmg#) (Cost#) (Magic) (Trade Only)

~Arm~ (1) (0) (none)
~Leg~ (1) (0) (none)
~Broken Club~ (2) (0) (none)
~Broken Dagger~ (2) (0) (none)
~Broken Mace~ (2) (0) (none)
~Broken Sword~ (3) (0) (none)
~Rusty Dagger~ (3) (0) (none)
~Rusty Mace~ (4) (0) (none)
~Rusty Sword~ (4) (0) (none)

-:-Normal Weapon's-:- (Dmg#) (Cost#) (Magic) (Bronze Only)

~Club~ (3) (2) (none)
~Iron Dagger~ (4) (4) (none)
~Mace~ (5) (5) (none)
~Steal Dagger~ (6) (6) (none)
~Short Bow~ (3) (7) (none)
~Short Sword~ (7) (7) (none)
~Broad Sword~ (8) (8) (none)
~Axe~ (6) (6) (none)
~Silver Sword~ (10) (10) (Affect's Werewolve's)
~Double Axe~ (9) (9) (none)
~Medium Staff~ (6) (10) (Affect's Werewolve's + Burst Poison On Hit)
~Medium Bow~ (4) (10) (none)
~Holy Katana~ (12) (??) (Burst Fire On Hit)
~Warden's Sword~ (15) (??) (Affect's Werewolve's + Fire Burst On Hit)

-:-Medium Weapon's-:- (Dmg#) (Cost#) (Magic) (Silver Only)

~Long Sword~ (11) (11) (none)
~Silver Axe~ (14) (14) (Affect's Werewolve's)
~Spear~ (13) (13) (none)
~Crystal Dagger~ (10) (12) (none)
~Long Bow~ (7) (15) (Affect's Werewolve's)
~Katana~ (12) (12) (Affect's Werewolve's)
~Light Maul~ (15) (15) (Affect's Werewolve's)
~Crystal Staff~ (16) (20) (Affect's Werewolve's + Burst Frost And Fire On Hit)
~Staff Of Skills~ (12) (12) (Affect's Werewolve's + Burst Frost On Hit)
~Crystal Sword~ (17) (17) (Affect's Werewolve's)

-:-Heavy Weapon's-:- (Dmg#) (Cost#) (Magic) (Gold Only)

~Ebonet Sword~ (20) (20) (Affect's Werewolve's)
~Crystal Axe~ (18) (18) (Affect's Werewolve's)
~Crystal Bow~ (12) (20) (Affect's Werewolve's + Pieceing Shot's)
~Ebonet Staff~ (18) (30) (Affect's Werewolve's + Burst Fire And Frost And Poison On Hit)
~Kalas Sword Of Hate~ (25) (??) (Affect's Werewolve's + Burst Fire On Hit + Pieceing Hit)
~Golethas Sword Of Pain~ (25) (??) (Hidden Secret)

Armor List

-:-Light Armor-:- (Strength#) (Cost#) (Magic) (Bronze Only)

~Leave's~ (1) (0) (none)
~Rag's~ (1) (1) (none)
~Cloth~ (2) (2) (none)
~Robe~ (3) (3) (none)
~Cape~ (3) (3) (none)
~Leather Chest~ (4) (4) (none)

-:-Medium Armor-:- (Strength#) (Cost#) (Magic) (Silver Only)

~Leather Rags~ (3) (3) (none)
~Leather Robe~ (5) (5) (none)
~Iron Chest Plate~ (6) (6) (none)
~Iron Mail~ (7) (7) (none)
~Iron Chain Mail~ (9) (9) (none)
~Iron Plate Mail~ (12) (12) (none)
~Steal Chest Plate~ (8) (8) (none)
~Steal Mail~ (10) (10) (none)
~Steal Chain Mail~ (13) (13) (none)
~Steal Plate Mail~ (15) (15) (none)

-:-Heavy Armor-:- (Strength#) (Cost#) (Magic) (Gold Only)

~Silver Chest Plate~ (11) (11) (none)
~Silver Mail~ (14) (14) (none)
~Silver Chain Mail~ (16) (16) (none)
~Silver Plate Mail~ (18) (18) (none)
~Crystal Mail~ (17) (17) (none)
~Crystal Plate Mail~ (22) (22) (none)

Creature List

-:- Human's -:-
Civilian = Civilian
Sword's Men = Dark Templar
Archer = Ghost
Royal Archer = Alexis

-:- Vampire's -:-
Vampire = Zealot
Vampire Warrior = Fenix Zealot
Vampire Warlord = Archon
Vampire Elder = Tassadar(Ht)

-:- Minor -:-
Beatle = Drone
Wasp = Mutalisk
Tarius = Ultralisk
Male Tarius = Hero Ultralisk
Acid Snake = Hydralisk
Walking Corpse = Infested Terran
Wolf = Zergling

-:- Strong -:-
Werewolf = Hero Zergling
Viper = Hero Hydralisk
Sprigan = Infested Kerrigan
Spirit Demon = Hero Archon

-:- Hero's -:-
Valacian = Hero Dark Templar (New King)
Meridor = Marine (Vampire Elder)
Neveilien = Hero Dark Templar 2 (Vampire Elder)

List For Thanks

-:- WoodenFire = Terrain advise and concepts. -:-
-:- Oo.Icy.oO = Terrain advise. -:-
-:- Lethal_Illusion = Surrounding's Test. -:-
-:- ZellDincht[xM] = Surrounding's Test. -:-
-:- Xguy[X-Team] = Trigger Advise. -:-
-:- Oo.Night.oO = Surrounding's Test. -:-
-:- Knx. = Surrounding's Test. -:-
-:- Oo.Evil.oO = Overlapping's. -:-

Screen Shot's

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Report, edit, etc...Posted by Saox on 2006-11-28 at 13:35:58
O_O Amazing. Can't wait to see the map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Xx.Doom.xX on 2006-11-28 at 15:35:54
Is this a production thread?

And I thought you changed the name of the map. Why have you made a second topic about your map?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by sunslap on 2006-11-28 at 16:07:26
I'm not sure the name matches *of what I've seen so far* the game it self. When I thought of Blood Chamber I thought of gore, horror, and mass death with loads of blood. Unless if what you have shown is just a tiny fragment of what you done and is not at the intense part yet, the name wouldn't match the game. But if you like Blood Chamber thats
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-29 at 02:25:43
QUOTE(Frenzy @ Nov 28 2006, 10:35 PM)
Is this a production thread?

And I thought you changed the name of the map. Why have you made a second topic about your map?

The first 1 was the alpha concept just showing you a short idea of the story and etc
but as you can see the story has changed into a more detailed approach but instead of the blood chamber being found .... the vampire's are well aware that it exists cause they have control over it = the blood chamber sumon's all the fallen vampire's from lost battle's for a final cause.. they even fear it cause the vampire's that are summoned yet under your control yet drain the energy from everything around it in a long duration of time ... soo they use it as a last resort.

QUOTE(sunslap @ Nov 28 2006, 11:07 PM)
I'm not sure the name matches *of what I've seen so far* the game it self. When I thought of Blood Chamber I thought of gore, horror, and mass death with loads of blood. Unless if what you have shown is just a tiny fragment of what you done and is not at the intense part yet, the name wouldn't match the game. But if you like Blood Chamber thats

the blood chamber as i described ^ ^ ^ up there as it summons fallen vampires to serve yet drain's the life from everything around it within oh about 50 miles radius tongue.gif thats why they fear it... but in the end happy.gif ima make a twist...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-11-29 at 02:36:56
unless you're using a different time system. BC is like a negative number on a number line, the smaller it is, the closer it is to present time. just FYI biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-29 at 03:33:17
im placing this all in a different time area (a different planet if you must)
still same principals of war etc... a much more chaotic theme. ive also come up with the system of light smile.gif the vampires need to find a place to cover before the sun rise's.... once gone you are then free to cause havoc smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-11-29 at 03:46:57
Oh, this was the map you were talking about. I'd forgot that the terrain you showed me was what this was.

Just keep in mind you're gonna really need to grab yourself by the balls to have even a chance of finishing something like this. You guys starting these uber rpgs lately really don't know what you're doing to yourselves until it's too late. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Excalibur on 2006-11-29 at 05:49:21
Tux should use his uber skills to trigger some of this massive undertaking, so it might just get done. Look at CD: Still no release.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheatEnabled on 2006-11-29 at 09:09:16
CD hasn't been in production for too long, a year and a half. I know some maps, like Medival RPG, that have been in production for 5 years.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-29 at 10:05:19
omg :S well ima try get this done within a year atleast.
soo what im currently doing is defining all the terrain to make it perfect... atm its almost 5 % off being done.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zell.Dincht on 2006-11-29 at 10:13:23
QUOTE(Marandule1 @ Nov 29 2006, 09:05 AM)
omg :S well ima try get this done within a year atleast.
soo what im currently doing is defining all the terrain to make it perfect... atm its almost 5 % off being done.

Well, last time I saw your terrain. It looked finished, and you really improved it. Lol, also how many TBC topics have u made ?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-29 at 10:16:44
only 2 happy.gif but im working up for a 3rd *nudge nudge* jokin happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheatEnabled on 2006-11-29 at 10:26:19
Have you started any triggering at all yet?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-29 at 10:28:49
hehe yep and im currently no where near completion.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-11-29 at 11:24:58
QUOTE(Mp)Excalibur @ Nov 29 2006, 02:49 AM)
Tux should use his uber skills to trigger some of this massive undertaking, so it might just get done. Look at CD: Still no release.

they have their reasons. they're pretty much undergoing the 'delayed gratification' tux talked about before.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Bioject on 2006-11-29 at 12:07:52
This sounds really good. Chances are it'll probably lag with all the weapon triggers+story, good luck though!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-29 at 12:19:50
the weapons and triggers wont be the 1 to lag it soo much ... it will most likely be all the units / doodad;s/ sprites well and the terrain in general .
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShizTheresABear on 2006-11-29 at 16:44:48
Nice map. Finish it or die.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-11-30 at 01:39:45
oh dont worry happy.gif the amount ive done on it soo far there really really is no point in forgetting to finish it now... anyways i have hope in this map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zell.Dincht on 2006-11-30 at 18:19:56
If u were to quit on making this map id be ticked off. After all the excitment of the terrain. Just think of the way you could use it in cut scenes. Wonder how long ur games gonna be cause of how much terrain ur using.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lethal_Illusion on 2006-11-30 at 18:55:01
QUOTE(Mp)Excalibur @ Nov 29 2006, 05:49 AM)
Look at CD: Still no release.

When WoodenFire asked me to help with CD, there was already an estimated due date. At that time, there were no types of weapons, no intense boss fights (that I know of), no multiple gameplay stats, etc. So, when we figured out a way to make this stuff, it made a lot more work for us and the original estimated release date remained. All we're doing is giving you more gameplay features for your waiting... I don't see why everyone is complaining.

Good luck with this Hennius, I've always looked forward to this map.
Don't let us down tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Marandule1 on 2006-12-04 at 14:49:09
Ive just added a very important part in the story line that makes it 10 times worth the look for there is alot more than a twist in it now , the old story line for a start was too quick and too plain ... soo i needed something new and fresh : here it is smile.gif

btw all, can we have a quick vote whether to have a trailer for this map or not?
im asking cause if yes for people to get a look for it or if no then i can continue finishing it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)3 on 2006-12-04 at 23:04:34
Good luck with this. By far, the most difficult obstacle with making this, and as with any RPG project on such a large scale, is -- well to be frank -- making it. Time and time again, I've seen too many huge projects, projects with great potential and skill put into making them with viable and talented authors simply lose their drive and fail, crashing and burning. I'm not immune to it, my own biggest project came to an abrupt stop not too long ago. You can ask any map maker that you hold with great reverence: chances are that they have at one point or another have had difficulty persevering.

Again, good luck. I look forward to seeing your progress.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-12-05 at 13:01:15
QUOTE(Marandule1 @ Dec 4 2006, 02:49 PM)
btw all, can we have a quick vote whether to have a trailer for this map or not?
im asking cause if yes for people to get a look for it or if no then i can continue finishing it.

No. Definitely no. You only make a trailer if you actually have the map finished (or very very near finished). That was my mistake before. Making a trailer sets yourself up to have to fulfill further expectations, and then making the map is no longer about whether you want to or not. It's about meeting those expectations.

It's one thing to hold yourself to an expectation. It's another thing to set yourself up to have to meet others' expectations. It becomes your own personal ball and chain, and unless you have the will to haul it all the way, you'll only find yourself held back by it and you'll end up thinking more and more of how to cut it away instead of carry it through.

Number one project killer: Unfulfillable expectations.
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