Sorry about bugging you guys about something that has been probably adressed somewhere, but I did spend a good deal of time meticuously searching through the help files and forum. Either the answer to my question is not here (unlikely), or I'm simply just not typing in the right key words when I'm looking for the answer (very likely).
My question is this:
How do you get a unit (such as a marine or ghost) to raise up their weapon and look like they're about to fire, but instead simply repeat the movement several times. I've seen this effect done in several maps and I'd like to learn how to replicate it. Just please tell me it doesn't take a lot of locations to use, b/c I'm already running short of locations in my map :/
Thank you!
You could enable or disable their doodad state, then create and remove the unit many times. I think that works. Disabled marines start shooting, disabled tanks have the movement animation, without moving, and so on.