this map i have spent the longest time on i just finished (but i was hoping to make updated versions later). i accidently overwrote my accessible version so now both are right-protected....i can't open either one.
am i royally screwed or is there some magical function my newb mind overlooked

Ouch... I assume it wasn't the map editor passworded version so that you can still access it even though it's protected ?
OSMAP can help you. No i cannot tell you how to get it, as SEN rules prevent me from doing so. If you look, youll find it. Alot of people who made editors/protection methods are on the site and might be willing to open up your map for you, because they know the hex and crap to do it.
This belongs in map assistance, not mod. Move please?
Yeah, why is this here?Fixed your color tag - Voy 
>>Moved to Mapping Assistance
Well, it depends what program you used to protect the map, but OSMAP should do the trick.
I've seen other people before who have had the same problem. I don't know of a solution myself, but there is one sure-fire way of doing it: Don't protect your maps in the first place.
i protected it with starforge...although the origional layout was with the editor that came with the game
SEN doesn't support unprotection. Closed.
But to answer your question if it is irreversable; yes, it is. A program called OSMAP can unprotect any map protected with public protectors, including starforge, at this time. It won't take you too long to find it if you try.
From now on, though, keep your protected version in a different folder than your unprotected version, and always make backups.