Ok, this is the first time I've made a map from scratch, but I've fixed/updated a lot of the UMS maps ive downloaded while playing online. I'm using Scmdraft 2.0 and have done nothing more than design the maps terrain, placed a few buildings, defined locations and placed basic units for map functionality. I've not gotten any errors in Scmdraft while working on this, but when I try to load the map in starcraft it gives me an error:
Invalid scenario
This map is unreadable because it is invalid or corrupted.
It's probably a simple solution but so far it has eluded me.
I've never seen that before. Is the file name too long? Non-standard map size? Overlaps in the map title?
This might happen for more reasons than one. I'm not sure i know every single one of them, but atleast, I can tell you some.
If the map size is invalid, the map becomes invalid.
If you make special buildings for special hyper-players, you can get varying effects, like crashing the game or making the scenario invalid.
Too many preplaced units. (The SC limit is 1700).
Locations outside map. Can only be done with StarForge, and does not always do make the map invalid.
You play with special mods.
I hope one of these is causing your map to become corrupted, so that you can fix it.
filename is "custom defense"
size: 128x128
i used ISOM to let me use block tiles, I've never heard of hyper-players
ISOM is a very outdated program; both starforge and scmdraft have rectangular tile capabilities.
You may want to try opening your map in xtra or SF and saving it and then see if it works. This probably won't fix it, but I really don't know what else to suggest.
And if you haven't heard of hyper-players, you probably didn't use them

. I actually have never heard that term before either, but I get what it means.
thx for the help guys i figured it out
when you mentioned there were so many ways a file could become invalid, it occured to me to just open the file up in the staredit that comes with starcraft and see if any errors occur and then just save it
I did that and it worked
I did get an error though, I had tried using the dark swarm image over my planned spawning points and staredit didnt like that so it removed itand now it works
Once i was making map... Name was Dark Station Maze. I got that same error because map had too much coners and mazes. I made them from real terrain. If i removed terrain, error dispeared.
If you don't have Broodwar, and you saved your map is a .scx file, this could cause 'Invalid scenario' because StarCraft can only play Vanilla StarCraft Map Files (.scm).