I don't use Visual C, I use
Library, and there DO is a difference between the two
Originally I constructed the DAT interpretation in a way that it could work separately from the DatEdit program, but I run into some problems and needed to swith the technique I was using. The FileData class is all there is to it, really. You will see that I use TFileStream there, but it can be very easily replaced with the stdio.h-defined file management functions. They even have the same names, and instead of calling member functions of a TFileStream object you just supply a function with the file's handle, and that's it.
Hmmm... Wish I knew exactly what you were talking about... I'm really not too skilled with C. I can make sense of some of your code, though. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. Perhaps a step-by-step assesment would be better